\subsection{Random Folder Advance Configuration} {\label{ref:random_folder_advance_config}} This plugin is used to configure the folders which will be considered when the Auto-Change Directory feature is set to \setting{Random}. \subsubsection{Menu} \begin{description} \item[Generate Folder List] Generates a list of all folders found on the player. You can filter the directories which are scanned by creating a file called \\* \fname{/.rockbox/folder\_advance\_dir.txt}. Only the directories in this file and any contained directories will be scanned. You can have up to 10 directories ignored by the scan by placing a minus sign before them in the list (i.e. \fname{-/CDs} will cause everything in the \fname{/CDs} directory to be ignored.). If you just want \fname{/CDs} to be ignored but want to include the folders within it you need to have both \fname{-/CDs} and \fname{CDs} as entries. \item[Edit Folder List] Enter the folder list editor \item[Export List To Textfile] Exports the list to \fname{/.rockbox/folder\_advance\_list.txt} \item[Import List From Textfile] Imports the list from \fname{/.rockbox/folder\_advance\_list.txt} \item[Play Shuffled] Starts playback with the selected directories in random order. Tracks within a directory will be played in normal order. The plugin will exit after starting playback. \item[Quit] \end{description} \subsubsection{Folder List Editor Keys} \begin{table} \begin{btnmap}{}{} \ActionStdOk{} \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdOk} & Delete selected folder\\ \ActionStdContext{} \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdContext} & Bring up the context menu which allows you to remove the selected folder or it's entire folder tree\\ \ActionStdCancel{} \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdCancel} & Exit\\ \end{btnmap} \end{table}