\subsection{\label{sec:text_editor}Text Editor} This plugin allows you to view and edit simple text documents on your DAP. You can view files by using \setting{Open with} from the \setting{Context Menu} (see \reference{ref:Contextmenu}). \subsubsection{Usage} If you start the Text Editor from the plugin browser you will be greeted with a blank screen. When started from the \setting{Open with} menu item your file should be shown on the screen. You can now edit the file. The Text Editor is line based. This means you can edit one line at a time using the \setting{Virtual Keyboard} (see \reference{sec:virtual_keyboard}). \begin{itemize} \item Move the selection bar to the line you want to edit. \item Edit the highlighted text line or insert a new one using the Item Menu. \item When finished editing exit the Text Editor. You'll be shown a list of save options. \end{itemize} \note{When you have not changed the file the Text Editor will quit immediately.} \begin{table} \begin{btnmap}{}{} \ActionStdOk \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdOk} & Edit Line / Select Character\\ \ActionStdCancel \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdCancel} & Exit / Abort Editing\\ \ActionStdMenu \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdMenu} & Show Item Menu\\ \ActionStdContext \opt{HAVEREMOTEKEYMAP}{& \ActionRCStdContext} & Delete Line\\ \end{btnmap} \end{table}