% $Id$ % \subsection{\label{ref:ThemeRemove}Theme Remove} This plugin offers a way to remove a theme. Open the \setting{Context Menu} (see \reference{ref:Contextmenu}) upon a theme\fname{.cfg} file and select \setting{Open With... $\rightarrow$ theme\_remove}. Some files are not removed regardless of the \setting{Remove Options} such as \fname{rockbox\_default.wps}\opt{lcd_bitmap}{ and the font file currently in use}. \subsubsection{Theme Remove menu} \begin{description} \item[Remove Theme.] Selecting this will delete the files specified in the \setting{Remove Options}. After a theme has been succesfully removed, a log message is displayed listing which items have been deleted and which are being kept. Exit this screen by pressing any key. A file called \fname{theme\_remove\_log.txt} is created in the root directory of your \dap{} listing all the changes. \item[Remove Options.] This menu specifies which items are removed if \setting{Remove Theme} is selected in the menu. One of the following options can be chosen for each setting. \begin{description} \item[Ask for Removal.] Selecting this option brings up a dialogue with two options: press \ActionYesNoAccept{} to confirm deletion or any other key to cancel. \item[Remove if not Used.] Selecting this option will remove the file automatically, if it is not used by another theme in the theme directory and not currently used. \item[Never Remove.] Selecting this option will always skip deleting the file. \item[Always Remove.] Selecting this option will remove the file with no regard to whether it's used by another theme or not. \end{description} \begin{description} \opt{lcd_bitmap}{ \item[Font.] Specifies how the \fname{.fnt} file belonging to a theme \fname{.cfg} file is handled. If this option is set to \setting{Remove if not Used}, the fonts came from rockbox-fonts.zip will not be removed as themes may depend on those fonts. }% \item[WPS.] Specifies how the \fname{.wps} file belonging to a theme \fname{.cfg} file is handled. \opt{lcd_bitmap}{ \item[Statusbar Skin.] Specifies how the \fname{.sbs} file belonging to a theme \fname{.cfg} file is handled. }% \opt{HAVE_REMOTE_LCD}{ \item[Remote WPS.] Specifies how the \fname{.rwps} file belonging to a theme \fname{.cfg} file is handled. \item[Remote Statusbar Skin.] Specifies how the \fname{.rsbs} file belonging to a theme \fname{.cfg} file is handled. }% \opt{lcd_non-mono}{ \item[Backdrop.] Specifies how the backdrop \fname{.bmp} file belonging to a theme \fname{.cfg} file is handled. }% \opt{lcd_bitmap}{ \item[Iconset.] Specifies how the iconset \fname{.bmp} file belonging to a theme \fname{.cfg} file is handled. \item[Viewers Iconset.] Specifies how the viewers iconset \fname{.bmp} file belonging to a theme \fname{.cfg} file is handled. }% \opt{HAVE_REMOTE_LCD}{ \item[Remote Iconset.] Specifies how the remote iconset \fname{.bmp} file belonging to a theme \fname{.cfg} file is handled. \item[Remote Viewers Iconset.] Specifies how the remote viewers iconset \fname{.bmp} file belonging to a theme \fname{.cfg} file is handled. }% HAVE_REMOTE_LCD \opt{lcd_color}{ \item[Filetype Colours.] Specifies how the colours \fname{.colours} file belonging to a theme \fname{.cfg} file is handled. }% \item[Create Log File.] Setting this to \setting{No} prevents the log file from being created. \end{description} \item[Quit.] Exits this plugin. \end{description}