\chapter{\label{ref:PARTII}The Rockbox interface} \section{Your Jukebox} \begin{figure}[h!] \begin{center} \opt{player}{\includegraphics[height=11.8cm]{rockbox_interface/images/player-front.png}} \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm}{\includegraphics[height=11.8cm]{rockbox_interface/images/recorderv2fm-front.png}} \opt{ondio}{\includegraphics[height=11.8cm]{rockbox_interface/images/ondio-front.png}} \opt{h1xx}{\includegraphics[height=11.8cm]{rockbox_interface/images/h1xx-front.png}} \end{center} \caption{\playerman \vspace{1cm} \playertype} \end{figure} Throughout this manual, the buttons on the Jukebox are labelled according to the pictures above. There are minor cosmetic differences between Jukebox models, but the buttons are in approximately the same position as on the picture.\\ To turn on a Jukebox containing Rockbox, hold down the ON key for 2{}-3 seconds. (Flashed Jukeboxes only require a tap of the ON key {--} see page \textup{\pageref{ref:FlashingRockboxReal}} for more information about flashing Rockbox.) \label{ref:Safeshutdown}On shutdown, Rockbox automatically saves its settings and turns off the hard drive safely. To tell Rockbox to shut the Jukebox down, do the following: \begin{table}[h!] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}lc@{}}\toprule \textbf{Model} & \textbf{Power Off} \\\midrule V2 / FM RECORDER/ ONDIO & Hold the OFF key for 2{}-3 seconds \\ V1 RECORDER & Double{}-tap the OFF key when playback is stopped \\ PLAYER & From the Rockbox Main Menu select \textbf{Shutdown} \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} In the unlikely event of a software failure, a hardware power off can be performed by holding down STOP until the Jukebox power light goes off. This works for all models of Jukebox.\\ For further details about connecting, charging and caring for your Jukebox, please see the Archos manual that came with it. \section{\label{ref:PartIIFB}File Browser} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=4cm]{rockbox_interface/images/ss-file-browser-\genericimg.png} \end{center} The file browser helps you navigate through the files on your Jukebox, entering folders and executing the default action on each file. To help us differentiate files, each file format is displayed with an icon. You can select which file types are displayed (see page \pageref{ref:ShowFiles}). \subsection{\label{ref:PartIISectionCtrls}Controls} \opt{Rec}{ \begin{table}[h!] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}cc@{}}\toprule \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Function} \\\midrule % UP/DOWN & Go to previous/next item in list. \\ & If you are on the first/last entry, \\ & the cursor will wrap to the last/first entry. \\ % ON+UP/DOWN & Move one page up/down on the list.\\ % LEFT & Go to the parent directory. \\ % PLAY/RIGHT & Executes an action. \\ & Depending on the file type, that action may vary. \\ & (See page \pageref{ref:Filemenu}) \\ % Centering & If there is a MP3 playing, \\ & returns to the While Playing Screen (WPS) \\ & without stopping playback. \\ % ON+PLAY/HOLD PLAY & Enters the File Menu \\ % F1 & Switches to the Main Menu \\ % F2 & Switches to the Browse/Play Quick Menu \\ % F3 & Switches to the Display Quick Menu \\ \bottomrule % \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} } % \opt{PS}{ \begin{table}[h!] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}cc@{}}\toprule \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Function} \\\midrule MINUS/PLUS & Go to previous/next item in list. \\ & If you are on the first/last entry, \\ & the cursor will wrap to the last/first entry. \\ STOP & Go to the parent directory. \\ PLAY & Executes an action. \\ & Depending on the file type, that action may vary.\\ & (See page \pageref{ref:Filemenu}) \\ ON & If there is a MP3 playing, \\ & returns to the While Playing Screen (WPS) \\ & without stopping playback. \\ ON+PLAY/HOLD PLAY & Enters the File Menu \\ Menu & Switches to the Main Menu \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} The functions of the F keys are also summarised on the button bar at the bottom of the screen. } \subsection{\label{ref:Filemenu}\label{ref:PartIISectionFM}File Menu} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=4cm]{rockbox_interface/images/ss-file-menu-\genericimg.png} \end{center} This menu operates on the file that was selected in the browser at the time ON+PLAY was pressed to enter it. It can also be accessed by holding down the PLAY key for a short while. It offers the following options: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Open with:} Runs a viewer plugin on the file. Normally the filetype of a file is detected and the appropriate plugin is run automatically when you press play on it. Use this menu if for some reason you want to override the default action and select a viewer by hand. See page \textmd{\pageref{ref:Viewersplugins}} for more details on viewers. For example, this would be used to run the VBRfix plugin to recreate the Xing header for an MP3 file, which can fix problems such as fast{}-forward and rewind not working correctly on a particular MP3 file or the play time of a track being listed incorrectly. \item \textbf{Playlist:} Change to the Playlist submenu (see below). \item \textbf{Rename:} This function lets the user modify a file name. \item \textbf{Delete:} Only files can be deleted, not folders. Rockbox will ask for confirmation before deleting a file. Press PLAY to confirm deletion or any other key to cancel. \item \textbf{Delete Directory: }Deletes the folder pointed to by the cursor and all the files and folders contained in it. Use with caution. \item \textbf{Create Directory:} Makes a new folder in the current folder on the disk. \end{itemize} \subsection{\label{ref:Playlistsubmenu}Playlist Submenu} If the playlist submenu is invoked on a directory, it will act on all the files within that directory. If invoked on a playlist it will act on all the files in that playlist. Otherwise it acts only on the current file. \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=4cm]{rockbox_interface/images/ss-playlist-menu-112x64x1.png} \end{center} This menu provides the following options: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Insert:} Add track(s) to playlist. If no other tracks have been inserted then the selected track will be added immediately after current playing track, otherwise they will be added to end of insertion list. \item \textbf{Insert next: }Add track(s) immediately after current playing track, no matter what else has been inserted. \item \textbf{Insert last: }Add track(s) to end of playlist. \item \textbf{Queue: } Queue is the same as Insert except queued tracks are deleted immediately from the playlist after they've been played. Also, queued tracks are not saved to the playlist file (see page \pageref{ref:playlistoptions}). \item \textbf{Queue next:} Queue track(s) immediately after current playing track. \item \textbf{Queue last: }Queue track(s) at end of playlist. \end{itemize} You can insert a track, directory or playlist even if nothing is currently playing. In this case, a new playlist is created with only the selected tracks and then play is started. Note: The dynamic playlist is saved so resume will restore it exactly as before shutdown. Stopped playlists can be resumed from File Browser by pressing ON. \subsection{Virtual Keyboard} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=4cm]{rockbox_interface/images/ss-virtual-keyboard-112x64x1.png} \end{center} This is the virtual keyboard that is used when entering file names in Rockbox. \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio}{ \begin{table}[h!] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}cc@{}}\toprule \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Function} \\\midrule ARROW KEYS & Move about the virtual keyboard \\ & (moves the solid cursor) \\ ON+LEFT/RIGHT & Move about within the current file name \\ & (moves the line cursor) \\ PLAY & Inserts the currently selected keyboard letter \\ & at the current filename cursor position \\ STOP & Exits the virtual keyboard without saving any changes \\ ON & No action \\ F1 & SHIFT: Shifts between the upper case, \\ & lower case and accented keyboards \\ F2 & OK: Exits the virtual keyboard and saves any changer \\ F3 & DEL: Deletes the character before\\ & the current filename cursor \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} } \opt{player}{ The current filename is always listed on the first line of the display. The second line of the display can contain the character selection bar, as in the screenshot above, or one of a number of other options. \begin{table}[h!] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}cc@{}}\toprule \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Function} \\\midrule MINUS/PLUS & Moves the arrow to/from the filename \\ & and changes between the character bar \\ & and BACKSPACE, DELETE, ACCEPT and ABORT. \\ PLAY/STOP & Varies (see below) \\ ON & Nothing \\ Menu & Shift. When the character selection bar is selected\\ & this changes between upper case, lower case, \\ & and accented letters. \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} The function of the PLAY and STOP buttons depends on what the arrow is pointing to, as follows. \begin{table}[h!] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}cc@{}}\toprule \textbf{Selected option} & \textbf{Play/Stop function} \\\midrule filename & Moves the cursor left (STOP) \\ & or right (PLAY) within the filename \\ character bar & Moves the character bar to the next (PLAY)\\ & or previous (STOP) character. \\ BACKSPACE & PLAY deletes the character before \\ & the current cursor position \\ DELETE & PLAY deletes the character at the \\ & current cursor position\\ ACCEPT & PLAY exits the virtual keyboard and \\ & saves any changes \\ ABORT & PLAY exits the virtual keyboard and \\ & discards any changes \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} } \section{\label{ref:WPS}While Playing Screen} The While Playing Screen (WPS) displays various pieces of information about the currently playing audio file: % \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm}{ \begin{itemize} \item Status bar: Battery level, charger status, volume, play mode, repeat mode, shuffle mode and clock. \item Scrolling path+filename of the current song. \item The ID3 track name. \item The ID3 album name. \item The ID3 artist name. \item Bit rate. VBR files display average bitrate and ``(avg)'' \item Elapsed and total time. \item A slidebar progress meter representing where in the song you are. \item Peak meter. \end{itemize} Notes: \begin{itemize} \item The number of lines shown depends on the size of the font used. \item The peak meter is only visible if you turn off the status bar or if using a small font that gives 8 or more display lines. \end{itemize} } % \opt{player}{ \begin{itemize} \item Playlist index/Playlist size: Artist {}- Title. \item Current{}-time Progress{}-indicator Left. \end{itemize} See page \textmd{\pageref{ref:ConfiguringtheWPS}} for details of customising your WPS (While Playing Screen). } \subsection{\label{ref:PartIISectionWPSCtrls}WPS Key Controls} \opt{recorder}{ \begin{table}[h!] \begin{flushleft} \begin{tabular}{@{}cc@{}}\toprule \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Action} \\\midrule UP/DOWN & Volume up/down \\ LEFT & (quick press) Go to beginning of track, \\ & or if pressed while in the first seconds of a track, \\ & go to previous track \\ LEFT (hold) & Rewind in track \\ RIGHT & (quick press) Go to next track. \\ RIGHT (hold) & Fast forward in track. \\ PLAY & Toggle play/pause \\ ON & (quick press) Go to file browser \\ ON (hold) & Show pitch setting screen \\ STOP & Stop playback \\ F1 & Go to Main menu \\ F2 & Toggles Play/browse quick menu \\ F3 & Toggles Display quick menu \\ F1+DOWN & Key lock on/off \\ F1+PLAY & Mute on/off \\ F1+ON & Enter ID3 viewer \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{flushleft} \end{table} } % \opt{player}{ \begin{table}[h!] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}cc@{}}\toprule \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Action} \\\midrule MENU+PLUS & Increases volume \\ MENU+MINUS & Decreases volume \\ MINUS & (quick press) Go to beginning of track, \\ & or if pressed while in the first seconds of a track, \\ & go to previous track. \\ MINUS (hold) & Rewind in track \\ PLUS & (quick press) Go to next track. \\ PLUS (hold) & Fast{}-forward in track. \\ PLAY & Toggle play/pause \\ ON & Quick press = Go to file browser \\ OFF & Stop playback \\ MENU & Go to Main menu \\ MENU+STOP & Key lock on/off \\ MENU+PLAY & Mute on/off \\ MENU+ON & Enter ID3 viewer \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} } \opt{recorder,recorderv2fm,ondio,H1xx,h300,ipodcolor,ipodnano,ipodvideo}{ \subsection{Peak Meter} The peak meter can be displayed on the While Playing Screen and consists of several indicators. For a picture of the peak meter, please see the While Recording Screen on page \pageref{ref:Whilerecordingscreen}. \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{The bar: } This is the wide horizontal bar. It represents the current volume value. \item \textbf{The peak indicator:} This is a little vertical line at the rightend of the bar. It indicates the peak volume value that occurred recently. \item \textbf{The clip indicator: } This is a little black block that is displayed at the very right of the scale when an overflow occurs. It usually doesn't show up during normal playback unless you play an audio file that is distorted heavily. If you encounter clipping while recording your recording will sound distorted. You should lower the gain. Note that the clip detection is not very precise. Clipping might occur without being indicated. \item \textbf{The scale: } Between the indicators of the right and left channel there are little dots. These dots represent important volume values. In linear mode each dot is a 10\% mark. In dbfs mode the dots represent the following values (from right to left): 0db, {}-3db, {}-6db, {}-9db, {}-12db, {}-18db, {}-24db, {}-30db, {}-40db, {}-50db, {}-60db. \end{itemize} } \subsection{\label{ref:ID3viewer}ID3 Viewer} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=4cm]{rockbox_interface/images/ss-id3-viewer-112x64x1.png} \end{center} This screen is accessible from the WPS screen by pressing F1+ON (recorder) or MENU+ON (player). It provides a detailed view of all the identity information about the current track that is stored in an MP3 file. Use the LEFT and RIGHT (recorder) or PLUS and MINUS (player) keys to move through the information and the STOP key to exit the viewer. \section{\label{ref:QuickScreenMenus}Quick Screen Menus} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=4cm]{rockbox_interface/images/ss-quick-screen-112x64x1.png} \includegraphics[width=4cm]{rockbox_interface/images/ss-quick-screen2-112x64x1.png} \end{center} Rockbox handles function buttons in a different way to the Archos software. F1 is always bound to the menu function, while F2 and F3 enable two quick menus. F2 displays some browse and play settings which are likely to be changed frequently. This settings are Shuffle mode, Repeat mode and the Show files options Shuffle mode plays each track in the currently playing list in a random order rather than in the order shown in the browser. Repeat mode repeats either a single track (One) or the entire playlist (All). Show files determines what type files can be seen in the browser. This can be just MP3 files and directories (Music), Playlists, MP3 files and directories (Playlists), any files that Rockbox supports (Supported) or all files on the disk (All). See page \pageref{ref:PlaybackOptions} for more information about these settings. \begin{table}[h!] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}cc@{}}\toprule \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Action} \\\midrule LEFT & Controls Shuffle mode setting \\ RIGHT & Controls Repeat mode setting \\ DOWN & Controls Show file setting \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} F3 controls frequently used display options. Scroll bar turns the display of the Scroll bar on the left of the screen on or off. Status bar turns the status display at the top of the screen on or off. Upside down inverts the screen so that the top of the display appears nearest to the buttons. This is sometimes useful when storing the \dap in a pocket. Key assignments swap over with the display orientation where it is logical for them to do so. See page \pageref{ref:Displayoptions} for more information about these settings. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{@{}cc@{}}\toprule \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Action} \\\midrule LEFT & Controls scroll bar display \\ RIGHT & Controls status bar display \\ DOWN & Controls upside down screen setting \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center}