/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * Module: rbutil * File: bootloaders.cpp * * Copyright (C) 2007 Dominik Wenger * * All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License. * See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "bootloaders.h" #include "irivertools.h" #include "md5sum.h" #include "rbutil.h" #include "installlog.h" int verbose =0; // reserves memory for ipodpatcher bool initIpodpatcher() { if (ipod_alloc_buffer(§orbuf,BUFFER_SIZE) < 0) return true; else return false; } // uses ipodpatcher for add and rem of bootloader bool ipodpatcher(int mode,wxString bootloadername) { wxString src,dest,buf; struct ipod_t ipod; int n = ipod_scan(&ipod); if (n == 0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] No ipods found."), wxT("Scanning for Ipods")); return false; } if (n > 1) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] to many ipods found."), wxT("Scanning for Ipods")); return false; } // downloading files if(mode == BOOTLOADER_ADD) { src = gv->bootloader_url + wxT("/ipod/") + bootloadername + wxT(".ipod"); dest = gv->stdpaths->GetUserDataDir() + wxT("" PATH_SEP "download" PATH_SEP) + bootloadername; if ( DownloadURL(src, dest) ) { wxRemoveFile(dest); ERR_DIALOG(wxT("Unable to download ") + src, wxT("Install")); return false; } } if (ipod_open(&ipod, 0) < 0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] could not open ipod"), wxT("open Ipod")); return false; } if (read_partinfo(&ipod,0) < 0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] could not read partitiontable"), wxT("reading partitiontable")); return false; } if (ipod.pinfo[0].start==0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] No partition 0 on disk"), wxT("reading partitiontable")); int i; double sectors_per_MB = (1024.0*1024.0)/ipod.sector_size; buf.Printf(wxT("[INFO] Part Start Sector End Sector Size (MB) Type\n")); ERR_DIALOG(buf, wxT("reading partitiontable")); for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if (ipod.pinfo[i].start != 0) { buf.Printf(wxT("[INFO] %d %10ld %10ld %10.1f %s (0x%02x)\n"), i, ipod.pinfo[i].start, ipod.pinfo[i].start+ipod.pinfo[i].size-1, ipod.pinfo[i].size/sectors_per_MB, get_parttype(ipod.pinfo[i].type), ipod.pinfo[i].type); ERR_DIALOG(buf, wxT("reading partitiontable")); } } return false; } read_directory(&ipod); if (ipod.nimages <= 0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Failed to read firmware directory"), wxT("reading directory")); return false; } if (getmodel(&ipod,(ipod.ipod_directory[0].vers>>8)) < 0) { buf.Printf(wxT("[ERR] Unknown version number in firmware (%08x)\n"), ipod.ipod_directory[0].vers ); ERR_DIALOG(buf, wxT("reading directory")); return false; } if (ipod.macpod) { WARN_DIALOG(wxT("Warning this is a MacPod, Rockbox doesnt work on this. Convert it to WinPod"),wxT("MacPod")); } if(mode == BOOTLOADER_ADD) { if (ipod_reopen_rw(&ipod) < 0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Could not open Ipod in RW mode"), wxT("Bootloader add")); return false; } if (add_bootloader(&ipod, (char*)dest.c_str(), FILETYPE_DOT_IPOD)==0) { } else { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] failed to add Bootloader"), wxT("Bootloader add")); return false; } } else if(mode == BOOTLOADER_REM) { if (ipod_reopen_rw(&ipod) < 0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Could not open Ipod in RW mode"), wxT("Bootloader add")); return false; } if (ipod.ipod_directory[0].entryOffset==0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] No bootloader detected.\n"), wxT("Bootloader del")); return false; } else { if (delete_bootloader(&ipod)==0) { } else { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] --delete-bootloader failed.\n"), wxT("Bootloader del")); return false; } } } ipod_close(&ipod); return true; } // reserves memory for sansapatcher bool initSansaPatcher() { if (sansa_alloc_buffer(§orbuf,BUFFER_SIZE) < 0) return true; else return false; } // sansainstallation bool sansapatcher(int mode,wxString bootloadername) { wxString src,dest,buf; struct sansa_t sansa; int n = sansa_scan(&sansa); if (n == 0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] No Sansa found."), wxT("Scanning for Sansa")); return false; } if (n > 1) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] to many Sansa found."), wxT("Scanning for Sansa")); return false; } // downloading files if(mode == BOOTLOADER_ADD) { src = gv->bootloader_url + wxT("/sandisk-sansa/e200/") + bootloadername; dest = gv->stdpaths->GetUserDataDir() + wxT("" PATH_SEP "download" PATH_SEP) + bootloadername; if ( DownloadURL(src, dest) ) { wxRemoveFile(dest); ERR_DIALOG(wxT("Unable to download ") + src, wxT("Download")); return false; } } if (sansa_open(&sansa, 0) < 0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] could not open sansa"), wxT("open Sansa")); return false; } if (sansa_read_partinfo(&sansa,0) < 0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] could not read partitiontable"), wxT("reading partitiontable")); return false; } int i = is_e200(&sansa); if (i < 0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Disk is not an E200 (%d), aborting.\n"), wxT("Checking Disk")); return false; } if (sansa.hasoldbootloader) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] ************************************************************************\n" "[ERR] *** OLD ROCKBOX INSTALLATION DETECTED, ABORTING.\n" "[ERR] *** You must reinstall the original Sansa firmware before running\n" "[ERR] *** sansapatcher for the first time.\n" "[ERR] *** See http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200Install\n" "[ERR] ************************************************************************\n"),wxT("Checking Disk")); return false; } if(mode == BOOTLOADER_ADD) { if (sansa_reopen_rw(&sansa) < 0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Could not open Sansa in RW mode"), wxT("Bootloader add")); return false; } if (sansa_add_bootloader(&sansa, (char*)dest.c_str(), FILETYPE_MI4)==0) { } else { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] failed to add Bootloader"), wxT("Bootloader add")); } } else if(mode == BOOTLOADER_REM) { if (sansa_reopen_rw(&sansa) < 0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Could not open Sansa in RW mode"), wxT("Bootloader Remove")); } if (sansa_delete_bootloader(&sansa)==0) { } else { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] failed to remove Bootloader"), wxT("Bootloader remove")); } } sansa_close(&sansa); return true; } // gigabeatinstallation bool gigabeatf(int mode,wxString bootloadername,wxString deviceDir) { wxString path1,path2; wxString err; wxString src,dest; path1 = deviceDir + wxT("" PATH_SEP "GBSYSTEM" PATH_SEP "FWIMG" PATH_SEP "FWIMG01.DAT"); if(mode == BOOTLOADER_ADD) { //Files downloaden src = gv->bootloader_url + wxT("/gigabeat/") + bootloadername; dest = gv->stdpaths->GetUserDataDir() + wxT("" PATH_SEP "download" PATH_SEP) + bootloadername; if( DownloadURL(src, dest) ) { wxRemoveFile(dest); ERR_DIALOG(wxT("Unable to download ") + src, wxT("Install")); return false; } if(!wxFileExists(path1)) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Coud not find ")+path1, wxT("Bootloader add")); return false; } path2 = path1; path2.Append(wxT(".ORIG")); if(!wxFileExists(path2)) { if(!wxRenameFile(path1,path2,false)) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Coud not rename ") + path1 + wxT(" to ") + path2, wxT("Bootloader add")); return false; } } if(!wxCopyFile(dest,path1)) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Coud not copy ") + dest + wxT(" to ") + path2, wxT("Bootloader add")); return false; } } else if(mode == BOOTLOADER_REM) { path2 = path1; path2.Append(wxT(".ORIG")); if(!wxFileExists(path2)) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Coud not find ") + path1, wxT("Bootloader del")); return false; } if(!wxRenameFile(path2,path1,true)) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Coud not rename ") + path1 + wxT(" to ") + path2, wxT("Bootloader del")); return false; } } return true; } // iaudio bootloader install bool iaudiox5(int mode,wxString bootloadername,wxString deviceDir) { wxString path1,path2; wxString err; wxString src,dest; path1 = deviceDir + wxT("" PATH_SEP "FIRMWARE" PATH_SEP) + bootloadername; if(mode == BOOTLOADER_ADD) { //Files downloaden src = gv->bootloader_url + wxT("/iaudio/") + bootloadername; dest = gv->stdpaths->GetUserDataDir() + wxT("" PATH_SEP "download" PATH_SEP) + bootloadername; if( DownloadURL(src, dest) ) { wxRemoveFile(dest); ERR_DIALOG(wxT("Unable to download ") + src, wxT("Install")); return false; } // copy file if(!wxCopyFile(dest,path1)) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Coud not copy ")+dest+wxT(" to ")+path2, wxT("Bootloader add")); return false; } return true; // install ready } else return false; //no uninstallation possible } // H10 install bool h10(int mode,wxString bootloadername,wxString deviceDir) { wxString err,src,dest,path1,path2; int pos = bootloadername.Find('/'); if(pos == wxNOT_FOUND) pos = 0; wxString firmwarename = bootloadername.SubString(pos,bootloadername.Length()); //wxString firmDir = gv->curbootloader.SubString(0,pos); if(mode == BOOTLOADER_ADD) { //Files downloaden src = gv->bootloader_url + wxT("/iriver/") + bootloadername; dest = gv->stdpaths->GetUserDataDir() + wxT("" PATH_SEP "download" PATH_SEP) + firmwarename; if( DownloadURL(src, dest) ) { wxRemoveFile(dest); ERR_DIALOG(wxT("Unable to download ") + src, wxT("Install")); return false; } path1 = deviceDir + wxT("SYSTEM" PATH_SEP) + firmwarename; path2 = deviceDir + wxT("SYSTEM" PATH_SEP "Original.mi4"); if(!wxFileExists(path1)) //Firmware dosent exists on player { path1 = deviceDir + wxT("SYSTEM" PATH_SEP "H10EMP.mi4"); //attempt other firmwarename if(!wxFileExists(path1)) //Firmware dosent exists on player { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] File ") + path1 + wxT(" does not Exist"), wxT("Bootloader add")); return false; } } if(!wxFileExists(path2)) //there is already a original firmware { if(!wxRenameFile(path1,path2,false)) //rename Firmware to Original { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Coud not rename ") + path1 + wxT(" to ") + path2, wxT("Bootloader add")); return false; } } if(!wxCopyFile(dest,path1)) // copy file { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Coud not copy ") + dest + wxT(" to ") + path1, wxT("Bootloader add")); return false; } return true; //install ready } else if(mode == BOOTLOADER_REM) { path1 = deviceDir + wxT("SYSTEM" PATH_SEP) + firmwarename; path2 = gv->curdestdir + wxT("SYSTEM" PATH_SEP "Original.mi4"); if(!wxFileExists(path1)) //Firmware dosent exists on player { path1 = deviceDir + wxT("" PATH_SEP "SYSTEM" PATH_SEP "H10EMP.mi4"); //attempt other firmwarename if(!wxFileExists(path1)) //Firmware dosent exists on player { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] File ") + path1 + wxT(" does not Exist"), wxT("Bootloader rem")); return false; } } if(!wxFileExists(path2)) //Original Firmware dosent exists on player { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] File ") + path2 + wxT(" does not Exist"), wxT("Bootloader rem")); return false; } if(!wxRenameFile(path2,path1,true)) //rename Firmware to Original { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("[ERR] Coud not rename ") + path2 + wxT(" to ") + path1, wxT("Bootloader add")); return false; } } // shouldn't get here return false; } // FWPatcher bool fwpatcher(int mode,wxString bootloadername,wxString deviceDir,wxString firmware) { if(mode == BOOTLOADER_ADD) { char md5sum_str[32]; wxString src,dest,err; int series,table_entry; if (!FileMD5(firmware, md5sum_str)) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("Could not open firmware"), wxT("Open Firmware")); return false; } else { /* Check firmware against md5sums in h120sums and h100sums */ series = 0; table_entry = intable(md5sum_str, &h120pairs[0], sizeof(h120pairs)/sizeof(struct sumpairs)); if (table_entry >= 0) { series = 120; } else { table_entry = intable(md5sum_str, &h100pairs[0], sizeof(h100pairs)/sizeof(struct sumpairs)); if (table_entry >= 0) { series = 100; } else { table_entry = intable(md5sum_str, &h300pairs[0], sizeof(h300pairs)/sizeof(struct sumpairs)); if (table_entry >= 0) series = 300; } } if (series == 0) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("Could not detect firmware type"), wxT("Detect Player out of Firmware")); return false; } else { //Download bootloader src = gv->bootloader_url + wxT("/iriver/") + bootloadername; dest = gv->stdpaths->GetUserDataDir() + wxT("" PATH_SEP "download" PATH_SEP) + bootloadername; if( DownloadURL(src, dest) ) { wxRemoveFile(dest); ERR_DIALOG(wxT("Unable to download ") + src, wxT("Install")); return false; } if(!PatchFirmware(firmware,dest,series, table_entry)) // Patch firmware { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("Patching Firmware failed"), wxT("Patching Firmware")); return false; } } // Load patched Firmware to player src = gv->stdpaths->GetUserDataDir() + wxT("" PATH_SEP "download" PATH_SEP "new.hex"); if(gv->curplat == wxT("h100")) dest = deviceDir + wxT("" PATH_SEP "ihp_100.hex"); else if(gv->curplat == wxT("h120")) dest = deviceDir + wxT("" PATH_SEP "ihp_120.hex"); else if(gv->curplat == wxT("h300")) dest = deviceDir + wxT("" PATH_SEP "H300.hex"); if(!wxRenameFile(src,dest)) { ERR_DIALOG(wxT("Copying Firmware to Device failed"), wxT("Copying Firmware")); return false; } else { return true; } } } else { return false; //no uninstall possible } }