/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * Module: rbutil * File: rbutilFrm.cpp * * Copyright (C) 2005 Christi Alice Scarborough * * All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License. * See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "rbutilFrm.h" #include "credits.h" #include "rbutilFrm_XPM.xpm" #include "install_3d.xpm" #include "uninstall_3d.xpm" #include "fonts_3d.xpm" #include "tools2_3d.xpm" #include "rblogo.xpm" #include "bootloaders.h" #include "wizard.xpm" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // rbutilFrm //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(rbutilFrm,wxFrame) EVT_BUTTON (ID_INSTALL_BTN, rbutilFrm::OnInstallBtn) EVT_BUTTON (ID_REMOVE_BTN, rbutilFrm::OnRemoveBtn) EVT_BUTTON (ID_FONT_BTN, rbutilFrm::OnFontBtn) EVT_BUTTON (ID_BOOTLOADER_BTN, rbutilFrm::OnBootloaderBtn) EVT_BUTTON (ID_BOOTLOADERREMOVE_BTN, rbutilFrm::OnBootloaderRemoveBtn) EVT_CLOSE(rbutilFrm::rbutilFrmClose) EVT_MENU(ID_FILE_EXIT, rbutilFrm::OnFileExit) EVT_MENU(ID_FILE_ABOUT, rbutilFrm::OnFileAbout) EVT_MENU(ID_FILE_WIPECACHE, rbutilFrm::OnFileWipeCache) EVT_MENU(ID_PORTABLE_INSTALL, rbutilFrm::OnPortableInstall) END_EVENT_TABLE() rbutilFrm::rbutilFrm( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString &title, const wxPoint &position, const wxSize& size, long style ) : wxFrame( parent, id, title, position, size, style) { wxLogVerbose(wxT("=== begin rbutilFrm::rbutilFrm(...)")); CreateGUIControls(); wxLogVerbose(wxT("=== end rbutilFrm::rbutilFrm")); } rbutilFrm::~rbutilFrm() {} void rbutilFrm::CreateGUIControls(void) { wxLogVerbose(wxT("=== begin rbutilFrm::CreateGUIControls()")); wxBoxSizer* WxBoxSizer1 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); this->SetSizer(WxBoxSizer1); this->SetAutoLayout(TRUE); WxPanel1 = new wxPanel(this, ID_WXPANEL1, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(400,600)); WxBoxSizer1->Add(WxPanel1,1,wxGROW | wxALL,0); wxBoxSizer* WxBoxSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); WxPanel1->SetSizer(WxBoxSizer2); WxPanel1->SetAutoLayout(TRUE); wxBitmap WxStaticBitmap1_BITMAP(rblogo_xpm); WxStaticBitmap1 = new wxStaticBitmap(WxPanel1, ID_WXSTATICBITMAP1, WxStaticBitmap1_BITMAP, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(400,123)); WxStaticBitmap1->Enable(false); WxBoxSizer2->Add(WxStaticBitmap1,0,wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALL,5); wxStaticBox* WxStaticBoxSizer3_StaticBoxObj = new wxStaticBox(WxPanel1, wxID_ANY, _("Please choose an option")); wxStaticBoxSizer* WxStaticBoxSizer3 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(WxStaticBoxSizer3_StaticBoxObj,wxHORIZONTAL); WxBoxSizer2->Add(WxStaticBoxSizer3,1,wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALL, 5); wxFlexGridSizer* WxFlexGridSizer1 = new wxFlexGridSizer(2,2,0,0); WxStaticBoxSizer3->Add(WxFlexGridSizer1,0,wxGROW | wxALL,0); wxBitmap BootloaderInstallButton (tools2_3d_xpm); WxBitmapButton4 = new wxBitmapButton(WxPanel1, ID_BOOTLOADER_BTN, BootloaderInstallButton, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(64,54), wxRAISED_BORDER | wxBU_AUTODRAW); WxBitmapButton4->SetToolTip(_("Instructions for installing the " "Rockbox bootloader on your audio device")); WxFlexGridSizer1->Add(WxBitmapButton4, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL,5); wxStaticText* WxStaticText5 = new wxStaticText(WxPanel1, wxID_ANY, _("Bootloader installation instructions\n\n" "Before Rockbox can be installed on your audio player, you " "may have to\ninstall a bootloader. This can not currently " "be done automatically, but is\nonly necessary the first time " "Rockbox is installed.")); WxFlexGridSizer1->Add(WxStaticText5, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL,5); wxBitmap WxBitmapButton1_BITMAP (install_3d_xpm); WxBitmapButton1 = new wxBitmapButton(WxPanel1, ID_INSTALL_BTN, WxBitmapButton1_BITMAP, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(64,54), wxRAISED_BORDER | wxBU_AUTODRAW, wxDefaultValidator, wxT("WxBitmapButton1")); WxBitmapButton1->SetToolTip(_("Install Rockbox")); WxFlexGridSizer1->Add(WxBitmapButton1,0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL,5); WxStaticText2 = new wxStaticText(WxPanel1, ID_WXSTATICTEXT2, _("Install Rockbox on your audio player")); WxFlexGridSizer1->Add(WxStaticText2,0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL,5); wxBitmap FontInstallButton (fonts_3d_xpm); WxBitmapButton3 = new wxBitmapButton(WxPanel1, ID_FONT_BTN, FontInstallButton, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(64,54), wxRAISED_BORDER | wxBU_AUTODRAW); WxBitmapButton3->SetToolTip(_("Download the most up to date " "Rockbox fonts.")); WxFlexGridSizer1->Add(WxBitmapButton3, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL,5); wxStaticText* WxStaticText4 = new wxStaticText(WxPanel1, wxID_ANY, _("Install the Rockbox fonts package\n\n" "This step is only needed if you have installed " "a daily build and want\nthe full set of Rockbox fonts. You " "will not need to download these\nagain unless you uninstall " "Rockbox.")); WxFlexGridSizer1->Add(WxStaticText4, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL,5); wxBitmap WxBitmapButton2_BITMAP (uninstall_3d_xpm); WxBitmapButton2 = new wxBitmapButton(WxPanel1, ID_REMOVE_BTN, WxBitmapButton2_BITMAP, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(64,54), wxRAISED_BORDER | wxBU_AUTODRAW, wxDefaultValidator, wxT("WxBitmapButton2")); WxBitmapButton2->SetToolTip(_("Uninstall Rockbox")); WxFlexGridSizer1->Add(WxBitmapButton2,0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL,5); WxStaticText3 = new wxStaticText(WxPanel1, ID_WXSTATICTEXT3, _("Remove Rockbox from your audio player")); WxFlexGridSizer1->Add(WxStaticText3,0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL,5); wxBitmap WxBitmapButton4_BITMAP (uninstall_3d_xpm); WxBitmapButton4 = new wxBitmapButton(WxPanel1, ID_BOOTLOADERREMOVE_BTN, WxBitmapButton4_BITMAP, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(64,54), wxRAISED_BORDER | wxBU_AUTODRAW, wxDefaultValidator, wxT("WxBitmapButton4")); WxBitmapButton4->SetToolTip(_("Uninstall Bootloader")); WxFlexGridSizer1->Add(WxBitmapButton4,0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL,5); WxStaticText4 = new wxStaticText(WxPanel1, ID_WXSTATICTEXT4, _("Remove Rockbox Bootloader from your audio player")); WxFlexGridSizer1->Add(WxStaticText4,0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL,5); WxMenuBar1 = new wxMenuBar(); wxMenu *ID_FILE_MENU_Mnu_Obj = new wxMenu(0); WxMenuBar1->Append(ID_FILE_MENU_Mnu_Obj, _("&File")); ID_FILE_MENU_Mnu_Obj->Append(ID_FILE_WIPECACHE, _("&Empty local download cache"), wxT(""), wxITEM_NORMAL); if (! gv->portable ) { ID_FILE_MENU_Mnu_Obj->Append(ID_PORTABLE_INSTALL, _("&Install Rockbox Utility on device"), wxT(""), wxITEM_NORMAL); } ID_FILE_MENU_Mnu_Obj->Append(ID_FILE_ABOUT, _("&About"), wxT(""), wxITEM_NORMAL); ID_FILE_MENU_Mnu_Obj->Append(ID_FILE_EXIT, _("E&xit\tCtrl+X"), wxT(""), wxITEM_NORMAL); this->SetMenuBar(WxMenuBar1); GetSizer()->Fit(this); GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); if (gv->portable) { this->SetTitle(_("Rockbox Utility (portable)")); } else { this->SetTitle(_("Rockbox Utility")); } this->Center(); wxIcon rbutilFrm_ICON (rbutilFrm_XPM); this->SetIcon(rbutilFrm_XPM); this->SetToolTip(wxT("Install Rockbox")); wxLogVerbose("=== end rbutilFrm::CreateGUIControls"); } void rbutilFrm::rbutilFrmClose(wxCloseEvent& event) { wxLogVerbose("=== begin rbutilFrm::rbutilFrmClose(event)"); Destroy(); wxLogVerbose("=== end rbutilFrm::rbutilFrmClose"); } /* * OnFileExit */ void rbutilFrm::OnFileExit(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxLogVerbose("=== begin rbutilFrm::OnFileExit(event)"); Close(); wxLogVerbose("=== end rbutilFrm::OnFileExit"); } // The routines this code uses are in the wxWidgets documentation, but // not yet the library (2.7.0-1). This code can be re-enabled later. void rbutilFrm::OnFileAbout(wxCommandEvent& event) { /* wxAboutDialogInfo *info = new wxAboutDialogInfo(); info->SetName(_(RBUTIL_FULLNAME)); info->SetVersion(_(RBUTIL_VERSION)); info->SetCopyright(_(RBUTIL_COPYRIGHT)); info->SetDescription(_(RBUTIL_DESCRIPTION)); info->SetWebSite(_(RBUTIL_WEBSITE)); long i = 0; while (rbutil_developers[i] != "") { info->AddDeveloper(wxT(rbutil_developers[i++])); } wxAboutBox(*info); delete info; */ AboutDlg(this).ShowModal(); } void rbutilFrm::OnFileWipeCache(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxString cacheloc, datadir; datadir = gv->stdpaths->GetUserDataDir(); if (datadir == "") { ERR_DIALOG(_("Can't locate user data directory. Unable to delete " "cache."), _("Delete download cache.") ); return; } cacheloc.Printf(wxT("%s" PATH_SEP "download"), datadir.c_str()); if (! rm_rf(cacheloc) ) { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("Local download cache has been deleted.") ,"Cache deletion", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } else { MESG_DIALOG(_("Errors occured deleting the local download cache.")); } wxMkdir(cacheloc, 0777); } void rbutilFrm::OnBootloaderRemoveBtn(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxLogVerbose("=== begin rbutilFrm::OnBootloaderRemoveBtn(event)"); wxWizard *wizard = new wxWizard(this, wxID_ANY, _("Rockbox Bootloader Uninstallation Wizard"), wxBitmap(wizard_xpm), wxDefaultPosition, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER); wxBootPlatformPage* page1 = new wxBootPlatformPage(wizard); wxBootLocationPage* page2 = new wxBootLocationPage(wizard); // Only one of these pages are shown wxIpodLocationPage* page3 = new wxIpodLocationPage(wizard); // depending on Device selected page1->SetNext(page2); page2->SetPrev(page1); page2->SetNext(page3); page3->SetPrev(page2); wizard->GetPageAreaSizer()->Add(page1); if (wizard->RunWizard(page1) ) { // uninstall the bootloader if(gv->curbootloadermethod == "ipodpatcher") { if(ipodpatcher(BOOTLOADER_REM)) { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("The Bootloader has been uninstalled.") ,"Uninstallation", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } else { MESG_DIALOG(_("The Uninstallation has failed.") ); } } else if(gv->curbootloadermethod == "gigabeatf") { if(gigabeatf(BOOTLOADER_REM)) { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("The Bootloader has been uninstalled.") ,"Uninstallation", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } else MESG_DIALOG(_("The Uninstallation has failed.") ); } else if(gv->curbootloadermethod == "h10") { if(h10(BOOTLOADER_REM)) { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("The Bootloader has been uninstalled.") ,"Uninstallation", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } else MESG_DIALOG(_("The Uninstallation has failed.") ); } else if(gv->curbootloadermethod == "iaudio" ) { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("To uninstall the Bootloader on this Device,\n" "you need to download and install an Original Firmware from the Manufacturer.") ,"Uninstallation", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } else if(gv->curbootloadermethod == "fwpatcher" ) { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("To uninstall the Bootloader on this Device,\n" "you need to download and install an original Firmware from the Manufacturer.\n" "To do this, you need to boot into the original Firmware.") ,"Uninstallation", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } else { MESG_DIALOG(_("Unsupported Bootloader Method") ); } } else { MESG_DIALOG(_("The bootloader Uninstallation wizard was cancelled") ); } wxLogVerbose("=== end rbutilFrm::OnBootloaderRemoveBtn"); } void rbutilFrm::OnBootloaderBtn(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxLogVerbose("=== begin rbutilFrm::OnBootloaderBtn(event)"); wxWizard *wizard = new wxWizard(this, wxID_ANY, _("Rockbox Installation Wizard"), wxBitmap(wizard_xpm), wxDefaultPosition, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER); wxBootPlatformPage* page1 = new wxBootPlatformPage(wizard); wxFirmwareLocationPage* page2 = new wxFirmwareLocationPage(wizard); //this page is optional wxBootLocationPage* page3 = new wxBootLocationPage(wizard); // Only one of these pages are shown wxIpodLocationPage* page4 = new wxIpodLocationPage(wizard); // depending on Device selected page1->SetNext(page2); page2->SetPrev(page1); page2->SetNext(page3); page3->SetPrev(page2); page3->SetNext(page4); page4->SetPrev(page3); wizard->GetPageAreaSizer()->Add(page1); if (wizard->RunWizard(page1) ) { // start installation depending on player if(gv->curbootloadermethod == "ipodpatcher") { if(ipodpatcher(BOOTLOADER_ADD)) { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("The Bootloader has been installed on your device.") ,"Installation", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } else { MESG_DIALOG(_("The installation has failed.") ); } } else if(gv->curbootloadermethod == "gigabeatf") { if(gigabeatf(BOOTLOADER_ADD)) { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("The Bootloader has been installed on your device.") ,"Installation", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } else MESG_DIALOG(_("The installation has failed.") ); } else if(gv->curbootloadermethod == "iaudio" ) { if(iaudiox5(BOOTLOADER_ADD)) { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("The Bootloader has been installed on your device.\n" "Now turn OFF your Device, unplug USB,and insert Charger\n" "Your Device will automatically upgrade the flash with the Rockbox bootloader") ,"Installation", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } else MESG_DIALOG(_("The installation has failed.") ); } else if(gv->curbootloadermethod == "fwpatcher") { if(fwpatcher(BOOTLOADER_ADD)) { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("The Bootloader has been patched and copied on your device.\n" "Now use the Firmware upgrade option of your Device\n") ,"Installation", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } else MESG_DIALOG(_("The installation has failed.") ); } else if(gv->curbootloadermethod == "h10") { if(h10(BOOTLOADER_ADD)) { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("The Bootloader has been patched and copied on your device.\n") ,"Installation", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } else MESG_DIALOG(_("The installation has failed.") ); } else { MESG_DIALOG(_("Unsupported Bootloader Method") ); } } else { MESG_DIALOG(_("The bootloader installation wizard was cancelled") ); } wxLogVerbose("=== end rbutilFrm::OnBootloaderBtn"); } void rbutilFrm::OnInstallBtn(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxString src, dest, buf; wxDateTime date; wxTimeSpan day(24); wxLogVerbose("=== begin rbutilFrm::OnInstallBtn(event)"); wxFileSystem fs; wxFileConfig* buildinfo; wxDateSpan oneday; wxWizard *wizard = new wxWizard(this, wxID_ANY, _("Rockbox Installation Wizard"), wxBitmap(wizard_xpm), wxDefaultPosition, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER); wxPlatformPage* page1 = new wxPlatformPage(wizard); wxLocationPage* page2 = new wxLocationPage(wizard); wxBuildPage* page3 = new wxBuildPage(wizard); page1->SetNext(page2); page2->SetPrev(page1); page2->SetNext(page3); page3->SetPrev(page2); wizard->GetPageAreaSizer()->Add(page1); if (wizard->RunWizard(page1) ) { switch (gv->curbuild) { case BUILD_RELEASE: // This is a URL - don't use PATH_SEP src.Printf("%s%s-%s-%s.zip", gv->download_url.c_str(), gv->prog_name.c_str(), gv->last_release.c_str(), gv->curplat.c_str()); dest.Printf("%s" PATH_SEP "download" PATH_SEP "%s-%s-%s.zip", gv->stdpaths->GetUserDataDir().c_str(), gv->prog_name.c_str(), gv->last_release.c_str(), gv->curplat.c_str()); break; case BUILD_DAILY: dest.Printf("%s" PATH_SEP "download" PATH_SEP "build-info", gv->stdpaths->GetUserDataDir().c_str()); if (DownloadURL(gv->server_conf_url, dest)) { WARN_DIALOG(_("Unable to download build status."), _("Install")); buf = ""; } else { buildinfo = new wxFileConfig(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, dest); buf = buildinfo->Read(wxT("/dailies/date")); buildinfo->DeleteAll(); if (buf.Len() != 8) { dest.Printf(_("Invalid build date: %s"), buf.c_str()); WARN_DIALOG(dest, _("Install")); buf = ""; } } if (buf == "") { WARN_DIALOG(_("Can't get date of latest build from " "server. Using yesterday's date."), _("Install") ); date = wxDateTime::Now(); date.Subtract(oneday.Day()); buf = date.Format(wxT("%Y%m%d")); // yes, we want UTC } src.Printf("%s%s/%s-%s-%s.zip", gv->daily_url.c_str(), gv->curplat.c_str(), gv->prog_name.c_str(), gv->curplat.c_str(), buf.c_str() ); dest.Printf("%s" PATH_SEP "download" PATH_SEP "%s-%s-%s.zip", gv->stdpaths->GetUserDataDir().c_str(), gv->prog_name.c_str(), gv->curplat.c_str(), buf.c_str() ); break; case BUILD_BLEEDING: src.Printf("%s%s/%s.zip", gv->bleeding_url.c_str(), gv->curplat.c_str(), gv->prog_name.c_str() ); dest.Printf("%s" PATH_SEP "download" PATH_SEP "%s.zip", gv->stdpaths->GetUserDataDir().c_str(), gv->prog_name.c_str() ); break; default: ERR_DIALOG(_("Something seriously odd has happened."), _("Install")); return; break; } if (gv->nocache || ( ! wxFileExists(dest) ) ) { if ( DownloadURL(src, dest) ) { wxRemoveFile(dest); buf.Printf(_("Unable to download %s"), src.c_str() ); ERR_DIALOG(buf, _("Install")); return; } } if ( !UnzipFile(dest, gv->curdestdir, true) ) { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("Rockbox has been installed on your device.") ,"Installation", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } else { wxRemoveFile(dest); buf.Printf(_("Unable to unzip %s"), dest.c_str() ); ERR_DIALOG(buf, _("Install")); } } else { MESG_DIALOG(_("The installation wizard was cancelled") ); } wxLogVerbose("=== end rbutilFrm::OnInstallBtn"); } void rbutilFrm::OnFontBtn(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxString src, dest, buf; wxDateTime date; wxTimeSpan day(24); wxLogVerbose("=== begin rbutilFrm::OnFontBtn(event)"); wxFileSystem fs; wxFileConfig* buildinfo; wxDateSpan oneday; wxWizard *wizard = new wxWizard(this, wxID_ANY, _("Rockbox Font Installation Wizard"), wxBitmap(wizard_xpm), wxDefaultPosition, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER); wxLocationPage* page1 = new wxLocationPage(wizard); wizard->GetPageAreaSizer()->Add(page1); if (wizard->RunWizard(page1) ) { buf.Printf(wxT("%s" PATH_SEP ".rockbox"), gv->curdestdir.c_str()) ; if (! wxDirExists(buf) ) { buf.Printf(_("Rockbox is not yet installed on %s - install " "Rockbox first."), buf.c_str() ); WARN_DIALOG(buf, _("Can't install fonts") ); return; } dest.Printf(wxT("%s" PATH_SEP "download" PATH_SEP "build-info"), gv->stdpaths->GetUserDataDir().c_str()); if (DownloadURL(gv->server_conf_url, dest)) { WARN_DIALOG(_("Unable to download build status."), _("Font Install")); buf = ""; } else { buildinfo = new wxFileConfig(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, dest); buf = buildinfo->Read(wxT("/dailies/date")); buildinfo->DeleteAll(); if (buf.Len() != 8) { dest.Printf(_("Invalid build date: %s"), buf.c_str()); WARN_DIALOG(dest, _("Font Install")); buf = ""; } } if (buf == "") { WARN_DIALOG(_("Can't get date of latest build from " "server. Using yesterday's date."), _("Font Install") ); date = wxDateTime::Now(); date.Subtract(oneday.Day()); buf = date.Format(wxT("%Y%m%d")); // yes, we want UTC } src.Printf("%s%s.zip", gv->font_url.c_str(), buf.c_str() ); dest.Printf("%s" PATH_SEP "download" PATH_SEP "rockbox-fonts-%s.zip", gv->stdpaths->GetUserDataDir().c_str(), buf.c_str() ); if ( ! wxFileExists(dest) ) { if ( DownloadURL(src, dest) ) { wxRemoveFile(dest); buf.Printf(_("Unable to download %s"), src.c_str() ); ERR_DIALOG(buf, _("Font Install")); return; } } if ( !UnzipFile(dest, gv->curdestdir, true) ) { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("The Rockbox fonts have been installed on your device.") ,"Installation", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } else { wxRemoveFile(dest); buf.Printf(_("Unable to unzip %s"), dest.c_str() ); ERR_DIALOG(buf, _("Font Install")); } } else { MESG_DIALOG(_("The font installation wizard was cancelled") ); } wxLogVerbose("=== end rbutilFrm::OnFontBtn"); } void rbutilFrm::OnRemoveBtn(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxLogVerbose("=== begin rbutilFrm::OnRemoveBtn(event)"); wxWizard *wizard = new wxWizard(this, wxID_ANY, _("Rockbox Uninstallation Wizard"), wxBitmap(wizard_xpm), wxDefaultPosition, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER); wxLocationPage* page1 = new wxLocationPage(wizard); wxFullUninstallPage *page2 = new wxFullUninstallPage(wizard); page1->SetNext(page2); page2->SetPrev(page1); wizard->GetPageAreaSizer()->Add(page1); if (wizard->RunWizard(page1) ) { if (Uninstall(gv->curdestdir, gv->curisfull) ) { MESG_DIALOG( _("The uninstallation wizard was cancelled or completed with " "some errors.") ); } else { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("The uninstall wizard completed successfully\n" "Depending on which Device you own, you also have to uninstall the Bootloader") ,"Uninstallation", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } } else { MESG_DIALOG(_("The uninstallation wizard was cancelled.") ); } wxLogVerbose("=== end rbutilFrm::OnRemoveBtn"); } void rbutilFrm::OnPortableInstall(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxString src, dest, buf; wxLogVerbose("=== begin rbutilFrm::OnPortableInstall(event)"); wxFileSystem fs; wxFileConfig* buildinfo; wxDateSpan oneday; wxWizard *wizard = new wxWizard(this, wxID_ANY, _("Rockbox Utility Portable Installation Wizard"), wxBitmap(wizard_xpm), wxDefaultPosition, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER); wxLocationPage* page1 = new wxLocationPage(wizard); wizard->GetPageAreaSizer()->Add(page1); if (wizard->RunWizard(page1) ) { if ( InstallRbutil(gv->curdestdir) ) { wxMessageDialog* msg = new wxMessageDialog(this, _("The Rockbox Utility has been installed on your device.") ,"Installation", wxOK |wxICON_INFORMATION); msg->ShowModal(); delete msg; } else { ERR_DIALOG(_("Installation failed"), _("Portable Install")); } } else { MESG_DIALOG(_("The portable installation wizard was cancelled") ); } wxLogVerbose("=== end rbutilFrm::OnUnstallPortable"); } AboutDlg::AboutDlg(rbutilFrm* parent) : wxDialog(parent, -1, _("About"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE) { wxBoxSizer* WxBoxSizer1 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); this->SetSizer(WxBoxSizer1); this->SetAutoLayout(TRUE); wxBoxSizer* WxBoxSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); wxBitmap WxBitmap1 = wxBitmap(rbutilFrm_XPM); wxStaticBitmap* WxStaticBitmap1 = new wxStaticBitmap(this, wxID_ANY, WxBitmap1); WxBoxSizer2->Add(WxStaticBitmap1, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, 5); wxStaticText* WxStaticText1 = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _(RBUTIL_FULLNAME), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE ); WxBoxSizer2->Add(WxStaticText1, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, 5); WxBoxSizer1->Add(WxBoxSizer2, 0, wxALL, 5); wxStaticText* WxStaticText2 = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _(RBUTIL_VERSION "\n" RBUTIL_DESCRIPTION "\n\n" RBUTIL_COPYRIGHT)); WxStaticText2->Wrap(400); WxBoxSizer1->Add(WxStaticText2, 0, wxALL, 5); wxHyperlinkCtrl* WxHyperlink1 = new wxHyperlinkCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, wxT(RBUTIL_WEBSITE), wxT(RBUTIL_WEBSITE) ); WxBoxSizer1->Add(WxHyperlink1, 0, wxALL, 5); wxStaticBox* WxStaticBox1 = new wxStaticBox(this, wxID_ANY, _("Contributors:")); wxStaticBoxSizer* WxStaticBoxSizer2 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(WxStaticBox1, wxVERTICAL); wxTextCtrl* WxTextCtrl1 = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY); long i = 0; while ( rbutil_developers[i] != "") { WxTextCtrl1->AppendText(rbutil_developers[i++]); WxTextCtrl1->AppendText("\n"); } WxBoxSizer1->Add(WxStaticBoxSizer2, 1, wxGROW | wxALL, 5); WxStaticBoxSizer2->Add(WxTextCtrl1, 1, wxGROW | wxALL, 0); wxStdDialogButtonSizer* WxStdDialogButtonSizer1 = new wxStdDialogButtonSizer(); wxButton* WxOKButton = new wxButton(this, wxID_OK); WxStdDialogButtonSizer1->AddButton(WxOKButton); WxStdDialogButtonSizer1->Realize(); WxBoxSizer1->Add(WxStdDialogButtonSizer1, 0, wxALL | wxCENTER, 5); GetSizer()->Fit(this); GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); //this->Center(); this->Show(); } AboutDlg::~AboutDlg() { }