/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * * Copyright (C) 2007 by Dominik Riebeling * * All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License. * See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "httpget.h" QDir HttpGet::m_globalCache; //< global cach path value for new objects QUrl HttpGet::m_globalProxy; //< global proxy value for new objects QString HttpGet::m_globalUserAgent; //< globally set user agent for requests HttpGet::HttpGet(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { outputToBuffer = true; m_cached = false; getRequest = -1; headRequest = -1; // if a request is cancelled before a reponse is available return some // hint about this in the http response instead of nonsense. m_response = -1; m_useproxy = false; // default to global proxy / cache if not empty. // proxy is automatically enabled, disable it by setting an empty proxy // cache is enabled to be in line, can get disabled with setCache(bool) if(!m_globalProxy.isEmpty()) setProxy(m_globalProxy); m_usecache = false; m_cachedir = m_globalCache; m_serverTimestamp = QDateTime(); connect(&http, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(httpDone(bool))); connect(&http, SIGNAL(dataReadProgress(int, int)), this, SIGNAL(dataReadProgress(int, int))); connect(&http, SIGNAL(requestFinished(int, bool)), this, SLOT(httpFinished(int, bool))); connect(&http, SIGNAL(responseHeaderReceived(const QHttpResponseHeader&)), this, SLOT(httpResponseHeader(const QHttpResponseHeader&))); // connect(&http, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(httpState(int))); connect(&http, SIGNAL(requestStarted(int)), this, SLOT(httpStarted(int))); connect(&http, SIGNAL(readyRead(const QHttpResponseHeader&)), this, SLOT(httpResponseHeader(const QHttpResponseHeader&))); connect(this, SIGNAL(headerFinished()), this, SLOT(getFileFinish())); } //! @brief set cache path // @param d new directory to use as cache path void HttpGet::setCache(const QDir& d) { m_cachedir = d; bool result; result = initializeCache(d); m_usecache = result; } /** @brief enable / disable cache useage * @param c set cache usage */ void HttpGet::setCache(bool c) { m_usecache = c; // make sure cache is initialized if(c) m_usecache = initializeCache(m_cachedir); } bool HttpGet::initializeCache(const QDir& d) { bool result; QString p = d.absolutePath() + "/rbutil-cache"; if(QFileInfo(d.absolutePath()).isDir()) { if(!QFileInfo(p).isDir()) result = d.mkdir("rbutil-cache"); else result = true; } else result = false; return result; } /** @brief read all downloaded data into a buffer * @return data */ QByteArray HttpGet::readAll() { return dataBuffer; } void HttpGet::setProxy(const QUrl &proxy) { m_proxy = proxy; m_useproxy = true; http.setProxy(m_proxy.host(), m_proxy.port(), m_proxy.userName(), m_proxy.password()); } void HttpGet::setProxy(bool enable) { if(enable) { m_useproxy = true; http.setProxy(m_proxy.host(), m_proxy.port(), m_proxy.userName(), m_proxy.password()); } else { m_useproxy = false; http.setProxy("", 0); } } void HttpGet::setFile(QFile *file) { outputFile = file; outputToBuffer = false; } void HttpGet::abort() { qDebug() << "[HTTP] Aborting requests, pending:" << http.hasPendingRequests(); http.abort(); if(!outputToBuffer) outputFile->close(); } bool HttpGet::getFile(const QUrl &url) { if (!url.isValid()) { qDebug() << "[HTTP] Error: Invalid URL" << endl; return false; } if (url.scheme() != "http") { qDebug() << "[HTTP] Error: URL must start with 'http:'" << endl; return false; } if (url.path().isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "[HTTP] Error: URL has no path" << endl; return false; } m_serverTimestamp = QDateTime(); // if no output file was set write to buffer if(!outputToBuffer) { if (!outputFile->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { qDebug() << "[HTTP] Error: Cannot open " << qPrintable(outputFile->fileName()) << " for writing: " << qPrintable(outputFile->errorString()); return false; } } else { // output to buffer. Make sure buffer is empty so no old data gets // returned in case the object is reused. dataBuffer.clear(); } qDebug() << "[HTTP] GET URI" << url.toEncoded(); // create request http.setHost(url.host(), url.port(80)); // construct query (if any) QList > qitems = url.queryItems(); if(url.hasQuery()) { m_query = "?"; for(int i = 0; i < qitems.size(); i++) m_query += QUrl::toPercentEncoding(qitems.at(i).first, "/") + "=" + QUrl::toPercentEncoding(qitems.at(i).second, "/") + "&"; } // create hash used for caching m_hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(url.toEncoded(), QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex(); // RFC2616: the absoluteURI form must get used when the request is being // sent to a proxy. m_path.clear(); if(m_useproxy) m_path = url.scheme() + "://" + url.host(); m_path += QString(QUrl::toPercentEncoding(url.path(), "/")); // construct request header m_header.setValue("Host", url.host()); m_header.setValue("User-Agent", m_globalUserAgent); m_header.setValue("Connection", "Keep-Alive"); if(!m_usecache) { getFileFinish(); } else { // schedule HTTP header request m_header.setRequest("HEAD", m_path + m_query); headRequest = http.request(m_header); qDebug() << "[HTTP] HEAD scheduled: " << headRequest; } return true; } void HttpGet::getFileFinish() { m_cachefile = m_cachedir.absolutePath() + "/rbutil-cache/" + m_hash; QString indexFile = m_cachedir.absolutePath() + "/rbutil-cache/cache.txt"; if(m_usecache) { // check if the file is present in cache QFileInfo cachefile = QFileInfo(m_cachefile); if(cachefile.isReadable() && cachefile.size() > 0 && cachefile.lastModified() > m_serverTimestamp) { qDebug() << "[HTTP] Cache: up-to-date file found:" << m_cachefile; getRequest = -1; QFile c(m_cachefile); if(!outputToBuffer) { qDebug() << "[HTTP] Cache: copying file to output" << outputFile->fileName(); c.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); outputFile->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); outputFile->write(c.readAll()); outputFile->close(); c.close(); } else { qDebug() << "[HTTP] Cache: reading file into buffer"; c.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); dataBuffer = c.readAll(); c.close(); } m_response = 200; // fake "200 OK" HTTP response m_cached = true; httpDone(false); // we're done now. Handle http "done" signal. return; } else { // unlink old cache file if(cachefile.isReadable()) { QFile(m_cachefile).remove(); qDebug() << "[HTTP] Cache: outdated, timestamp:" << cachefile.lastModified(); } qDebug() << "[HTTP] Cache: caching as" << m_cachefile; // update cache index file QFile idxFile(indexFile); idxFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QByteArray currLine; do { QByteArray currLine = idxFile.readLine(1000); if(currLine.startsWith(m_hash.toUtf8())) break; } while(!currLine.isEmpty()); idxFile.close(); if(currLine.isEmpty()) { idxFile.open(QIODevice::Append); QString outline = m_hash + "\t" + m_header.value("Host") + "\t" + m_path + "\t" + m_query + "\n"; idxFile.write(outline.toUtf8()); idxFile.close(); } } } else { qDebug() << "[HTTP] cache DISABLED"; } // schedule GET request m_header.setRequest("GET", m_path + m_query); if(outputToBuffer) { qDebug() << "[HTTP] downloading to buffer."; getRequest = http.request(m_header); } else { qDebug() << "[HTTP] downloading to file:" << qPrintable(outputFile->fileName()); getRequest = http.request(m_header, 0, outputFile); } qDebug() << "[HTTP] GET scheduled: " << getRequest; return; } void HttpGet::httpDone(bool error) { if (error) { qDebug() << "[HTTP] Error:" << qPrintable(http.errorString()) << httpResponse(); } if(!outputToBuffer) outputFile->close(); if(m_usecache && !m_cached && !error) { qDebug() << "[HTTP] creating cache file" << m_cachefile; QFile c(m_cachefile); c.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); if(!outputToBuffer) { outputFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Truncate); c.write(outputFile->readAll()); outputFile->close(); } else c.write(dataBuffer); c.close(); } // take care of concurring requests. If there is still one running, // don't emit done(). That request will call this slot again. if(http.currentId() == 0 && !http.hasPendingRequests()) emit done(error); } void HttpGet::httpFinished(int id, bool error) { qDebug() << "[HTTP] Request finished:" << id << "Error:" << error << "pending requests:" << http.hasPendingRequests(); if(id == getRequest) { dataBuffer = http.readAll(); emit requestFinished(id, error); } if(id == headRequest) { QHttpResponseHeader h = http.lastResponse(); QString date = h.value("Last-Modified").simplified(); if(date.isEmpty()) { m_serverTimestamp = QDateTime(); // no value = invalid emit headerFinished(); return; } // to successfully parse the date strip weekday and timezone date.remove(0, date.indexOf(" ") + 1); if(date.endsWith("GMT")) date.truncate(date.indexOf(" GMT")); // distinguish input formats (see RFC1945) // RFC 850 if(date.contains("-")) m_serverTimestamp = QLocale::c().toDateTime(date, "dd-MMM-yy hh:mm:ss"); // asctime format else if(date.at(0).isLetter()) m_serverTimestamp = QLocale::c().toDateTime(date, "MMM d hh:mm:ss yyyy"); // RFC 822 else m_serverTimestamp = QLocale::c().toDateTime(date, "dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss"); qDebug() << "[HTTP] HEAD finished, server date:" << date << ", parsed:" << m_serverTimestamp; emit headerFinished(); return; } if(id == getRequest) emit requestFinished(id, error); } void HttpGet::httpStarted(int id) { qDebug() << "[HTTP] Request started: " << id << "Header req:" << headRequest << "Get req:" << getRequest; } QString HttpGet::errorString() { return http.errorString(); } void HttpGet::httpResponseHeader(const QHttpResponseHeader &resp) { // if there is a network error abort all scheduled requests for // this download m_response = resp.statusCode(); // 301 -- moved permanently // 302 -- found // 303 -- see other // 307 -- moved temporarily // in all cases, header: location has the correct address so we can follow. if(m_response == 301 || m_response == 302 || m_response == 303 || m_response == 307) { //abort without sending any signals http.blockSignals(true); http.abort(); http.blockSignals(false); // start new request with new url qDebug() << "[HTTP] response =" << m_response << "- following"; getFile(resp.value("location") + m_query); } else if(m_response != 200) { // all other errors are fatal. http.abort(); qDebug() << "[HTTP] Response error:" << m_response << resp.reasonPhrase(); } } int HttpGet::httpResponse() { return m_response; } void HttpGet::httpState(int state) { QString s[] = {"Unconnected", "HostLookup", "Connecting", "Sending", "Reading", "Connected", "Closing"}; if(state <= 6) qDebug() << "[HTTP] State:" << s[state]; else qDebug() << "[HTTP] State:" << state; }