CreateVoiceFrm Qt::WindowModal 0 0 588 448 Create Voice File :/icons/wizard.jpg Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop 0 0 Select the Language you want to generate a voicefile for: Generation settings TTS: 0 0 Change Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Wavtrim Threshold 5000 500 Silence threshold Qt::Vertical 20 201 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 &Install :/icons/go-next.png:/icons/go-next.png &Cancel :/icons/process-stop.png:/icons/process-stop.png Language buttonOk buttonCancel comboLanguage change wavtrimthreshold buttonOk clicked() CreateVoiceFrm accept() 472 418 382 328 buttonCancel clicked() CreateVoiceFrm reject() 561 428 522 332