BackupDialog Qt::WindowModal 0 0 554 448 Backup :/icons/wizard.jpg <html><head/><body><p>This dialog will create a backup by archiving the contents of the Rockbox installation on the player into a zip file. This will include installed themes and settings stored below the .rockbox folder on the player.</p><p>The backup filename will be created based on the installed version. </p></body></html> true Backup Size: unknown Backup to: unknown Qt::Horizontal 78 20 &Change :/icons/edit-find.svg:/icons/edit-find.svg Qt::Vertical 20 1 Qt::Horizontal 143 20 &Backup :/icons/go-next.svg:/icons/go-next.svg &Cancel :/icons/process-stop.svg:/icons/process-stop.svg buttonBackup buttonCancel