SelectiveInstallWidget 0 0 663 440 0 0 Selective Installation Rockbox version to install Version information not available yet. true 0 0 Rockbox components to install &Bootloader :/icons/preferences-system.svg:/icons/preferences-system.svg true &Rockbox :/icons/multimedia-player.svg:/icons/multimedia-player.svg true 0 0 Themes allow adjusting the user interface of Rockbox. Use "Customize" to select themes. true Themes :/icons/preferences-desktop-theme.svg:/icons/preferences-desktop-theme.svg Fonts :/icons/preferences-desktop-font.svg:/icons/preferences-desktop-font.svg true 0 0 The bootloader is required for starting Rockbox. Only necessary for first time install. true 0 0 Some plugins require additional data files. true Customize :/icons/preferences-system.svg:/icons/preferences-system.svg 0 0 Additional fonts for the User Interface. true Install prerendered voice file. Plugin Data :/icons/input-gaming.svg:/icons/input-gaming.svg Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Minimum 1 1 &Manual :/icons/edit-find.svg:/icons/edit-find.svg &Voice File :/icons/audio-volume-high.svg:/icons/audio-volume-high.svg 0 0 The main Rockbox firmware. true Save a copy of the manual on the player. Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Expanding 20 1 &Install :/icons/package-x-generic.svg:/icons/package-x-generic.svg selectedVersion bootloaderCheckbox rockboxCheckbox fontsCheckbox themesCheckbox themesCustomize pluginDataCheckbox installButton