/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * * Copyright (C) 2007 by Dominik Wenger * $Id$ * * All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License. * See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "installbootloader.h" #include "irivertools/checksums.h" #include "utils.h" BootloaderInstaller::BootloaderInstaller(QObject* parent): QObject(parent) { } void BootloaderInstaller::install(ProgressloggerInterface* dp) { m_dp = dp; m_install = true; m_dp->addItem(tr("Starting bootloader installation"),LOGINFO); connect(this, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(installEnded(bool))); if(m_bootloadermethod == "gigabeatf") { // connect internal signal connect(this,SIGNAL(prepare()),this,SLOT(gigabeatPrepare())); connect(this,SIGNAL(finish()),this,SLOT(gigabeatFinish())); } else if(m_bootloadermethod == "iaudio") { // connect internal signal connect(this,SIGNAL(prepare()),this,SLOT(iaudioPrepare())); connect(this,SIGNAL(finish()),this,SLOT(iaudioFinish())); } else if(m_bootloadermethod == "h10") { // connect internal signal connect(this,SIGNAL(prepare()),this,SLOT(h10Prepare())); connect(this,SIGNAL(finish()),this,SLOT(h10Finish())); } else if(m_bootloadermethod == "ipodpatcher") { // connect internal signal connect(this,SIGNAL(prepare()),this,SLOT(ipodPrepare())); connect(this,SIGNAL(finish()),this,SLOT(ipodFinish())); } else if(m_bootloadermethod == "sansapatcher") { // connect internal signal connect(this,SIGNAL(prepare()),this,SLOT(sansaPrepare())); connect(this,SIGNAL(finish()),this,SLOT(sansaFinish())); } else if(m_bootloadermethod == "fwpatcher") { // connect internal signal connect(this,SIGNAL(prepare()),this,SLOT(iriverPrepare())); connect(this,SIGNAL(finish()),this,SLOT(iriverFinish())); } else if(m_bootloadermethod == "mrobe100") { // connect internal signal connect(this,SIGNAL(prepare()),this,SLOT(mrobe100Prepare())); connect(this,SIGNAL(finish()),this,SLOT(mrobe100Finish())); } else { m_dp->addItem(tr("unsupported install Method"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } emit prepare(); } void BootloaderInstaller::uninstall(ProgressloggerInterface* dp) { m_dp = dp; m_install = false; m_dp->addItem(tr("Starting bootloader uninstallation"),LOGINFO); connect(this, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(installEnded(bool))); if(m_bootloadermethod == "gigabeatf") { // connect internal signal connect(this,SIGNAL(prepare()),this,SLOT(gigabeatPrepare())); } else if(m_bootloadermethod == "iaudio") { m_dp->addItem(tr("No uninstallation possible"),LOGWARNING); emit done(true); return; } else if(m_bootloadermethod == "iaudio") { // connect internal signal connect(this,SIGNAL(prepare()),this,SLOT(h10Prepare())); } else if(m_bootloadermethod == "ipodpatcher") { // connect internal signal connect(this,SIGNAL(prepare()),this,SLOT(ipodPrepare())); } else if(m_bootloadermethod == "sansapatcher") { // connect internal signal connect(this,SIGNAL(prepare()),this,SLOT(sansaPrepare())); } else if(m_bootloadermethod == "h10") { // connect internal signal connect(this,SIGNAL(prepare()),this,SLOT(h10Prepare())); } else if(m_bootloadermethod == "mrobe100") { // connect internal signal connect(this,SIGNAL(prepare()),this,SLOT(mrobe100Prepare())); } else if(m_bootloadermethod == "fwpatcher") { m_dp->addItem(tr("No uninstallation possible"),LOGWARNING); emit done(true); return; } else { m_dp->addItem(tr("unsupported install Method"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } emit prepare(); } void BootloaderInstaller::downloadRequestFinished(int id, bool error) { qDebug() << "BootloaderInstall::downloadRequestFinished" << id << error; qDebug() << "error:" << getter->errorString(); downloadDone(error); } void BootloaderInstaller::downloadDone(bool error) { qDebug() << "Install::downloadDone, error:" << error; // update progress bar int max = m_dp->getProgressMax(); if(max == 0) { max = 100; m_dp->setProgressMax(max); } m_dp->setProgressValue(max); if(getter->httpResponse() != 200) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Download error: received HTTP error %1.").arg(getter->httpResponse()),LOGERROR); m_dp->abort(); emit done(true); return; } if(error) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Download error: %1").arg(getter->errorString()),LOGERROR); m_dp->abort(); emit done(true); return; } else m_dp->addItem(tr("Download finished."),LOGOK); emit finish(); } void BootloaderInstaller::updateDataReadProgress(int read, int total) { m_dp->setProgressMax(total); m_dp->setProgressValue(read); qDebug() << "progress:" << read << "/" << total; } void BootloaderInstaller::installEnded(bool error) { (void) error; m_dp->abort(); } bool BootloaderInstaller::downloadInfo() { // try to get the current build information infodownloader = new HttpGet(this); connect(infodownloader, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(infoDownloadDone(bool))); connect(infodownloader, SIGNAL(requestFinished(int, bool)), this, SLOT(infoRequestFinished(int, bool))); qDebug() << "downloading bootloader info"; infodownloader->setFile(&bootloaderInfo); infodownloader->getFile(QUrl(m_bootloaderinfoUrl)); // block until its downloaded qDebug() << "Waiting for Download finished"; infoDownloaded=false; infoError = false; while(!infoDownloaded ) QCoreApplication::processEvents(); return !infoError; } void BootloaderInstaller::infoDownloadDone(bool error) { if(error) { qDebug() << "network error:" << infodownloader->error(); return; } qDebug() << "network status:" << infodownloader->error(); infoDownloaded = true; } void BootloaderInstaller::infoRequestFinished(int id, bool error) { if(error) { QString errorString; errorString = tr("Network error: %1. Please check your network and proxy settings.") .arg(infodownloader->errorString()); #ifndef CONSOLE if(error) QMessageBox::about(NULL, "Network Error", errorString); #endif qDebug() << "downloadDone:" << id << error; infoError = true; infoDownloaded = true; } qDebug() << "infoRequestFinished:" << id << error; } void BootloaderInstaller::createInstallLog() { m_dp->addItem(tr("Creating installation log"),LOGINFO); QSettings installlog(m_mountpoint + "/.rockbox/rbutil.log", QSettings::IniFormat, 0); bootloaderInfo.open(); QSettings info(bootloaderInfo.fileName(), QSettings::IniFormat, this); bootloaderInfo.close(); info.beginGroup(m_device); installlog.beginGroup("Bootloader"); installlog.setValue("md5sum",info.value("md5sum").toString()); installlog.endGroup(); installlog.sync(); } void BootloaderInstaller::removeInstallLog() { m_dp->addItem(tr("Editing installation log"),LOGINFO); QSettings installlog(m_mountpoint + "/.rockbox/rbutil.log", QSettings::IniFormat, 0); installlog.beginGroup("Bootloader"); installlog.remove("md5sum"); installlog.endGroup(); installlog.sync(); } bool BootloaderInstaller::uptodate() { QString installedMd5; QString serverMd5; QSettings installlog(m_mountpoint + "/.rockbox/rbutil.log", QSettings::IniFormat, 0); installlog.beginGroup("Bootloader"); installedMd5 = installlog.value("md5sum").toString(); installlog.endGroup(); if(installedMd5.isEmpty()) return false; bootloaderInfo.open(); QSettings info(bootloaderInfo.fileName(), QSettings::IniFormat, this); bootloaderInfo.close(); info.beginGroup(m_device); serverMd5 = info.value("md5sum").toString(); info.endGroup(); if(installedMd5 != serverMd5) return false; else return true; } /************************************************** *** gigabeat secific code ***************************************************/ void BootloaderInstaller::gigabeatPrepare() { if(m_install) // Installation { QString url = m_bootloaderUrlBase + "/gigabeat/" + m_bootloadername; m_dp->addItem(tr("Downloading file %1.%2") .arg(QFileInfo(url).baseName(), QFileInfo(url).completeSuffix()),LOGINFO); // temporary file needs to be opened to get the filename downloadFile.open(); m_tempfilename = downloadFile.fileName(); downloadFile.close(); // get the real file. getter = new HttpGet(this); getter->setFile(&downloadFile); // connect signals from HttpGet connect(getter, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(downloadDone(bool))); connect(getter, SIGNAL(dataReadProgress(int, int)), this, SLOT(updateDataReadProgress(int, int))); connect(m_dp, SIGNAL(aborted()), getter, SLOT(abort())); getter->getFile(QUrl(url)); } else //UnInstallation { QString firmware; firmware = resolvePathCase(m_mountpoint + "/GBSYSTEM/FWIMG/FWIMG01.DAT"); QString firmwareOrig = resolvePathCase(firmware.append(".ORIG")); QFileInfo firmwareOrigFI(firmwareOrig); // check if original firmware exists if(!firmwareOrigFI.exists()) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not find the Original Firmware at: %1") .arg(firmwareOrig),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } QFile firmwareFile(firmware); QFile firmwareOrigFile(firmwareOrig); //remove modified firmware if(!firmwareFile.remove()) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not remove the Firmware at: %1") .arg(firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } // rename original firmware back if(!firmwareOrigFile.rename(firmware)) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not copy the Firmware from: %1 to %2") .arg(firmwareOrig,firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } removeInstallLog(); emit done(false); //success } } void BootloaderInstaller::gigabeatFinish() { // this step is only need for installation, so no code for uninstall here m_dp->addItem(tr("Finishing bootloader install"),LOGINFO); QString firmware; firmware = resolvePathCase(m_mountpoint + "/GBSYSTEM/FWIMG/" + m_bootloadername); QFileInfo firmwareFI(firmware); // check if firmware exists if(!firmwareFI.exists()) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not find the Firmware at: %1") .arg(firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } QString firmwareOrig = firmware; firmwareOrig.append(".ORIG"); QFileInfo firmwareOrigFI(firmwareOrig); // rename and backup the firmware, if there is no original firmware there if(!firmwareOrigFI.exists()) { QFile firmwareFile(firmware); //backup QDir::home().mkdir("Gigabeat Original Firmware Backup"); firmwareFile.copy(QDir::toNativeSeparators(QDir::homePath()) + QDir::toNativeSeparators("/Gigabeat Original Firmware Backup/") + m_bootloadername); firmwareFile.unsetError(); //rename if(!firmwareFile.rename(firmwareOrig)) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not rename: %1 to %2") .arg(firmware,firmwareOrig),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } } else // or remove the normal firmware, if the original is there { QFile firmwareFile(firmware); firmwareFile.remove(); } //copy the firmware if(!downloadFile.copy(firmware)) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not copy: %1 to %2") .arg(m_tempfilename,firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } downloadFile.remove(); createInstallLog(); m_dp->addItem(tr("Bootloader install finished successfully."),LOGOK); m_dp->addItem(tr("To finish the Bootloader installation, follow the steps below."),LOGINFO); m_dp->addItem(tr("1. Eject/Unmount your Device."),LOGINFO); m_dp->addItem(tr("2. Unplug USB and any Power adapters."),LOGINFO); m_dp->addItem(tr("3. Hold POWER to turn the Device off."),LOGINFO); m_dp->addItem(tr("4. Toggle the Battery switch on the Device."),LOGINFO); m_dp->addItem(tr("5. Hold POWER to boot the Rockbox bootloader."),LOGINFO); m_dp->abort(); emit done(false); // success } /************************************************** *** iaudio secific code ***************************************************/ void BootloaderInstaller::iaudioPrepare() { QString url = m_bootloaderUrlBase + "/iaudio/" + m_bootloadername; m_dp->addItem(tr("Downloading file %1.%2") .arg(QFileInfo(url).baseName(), QFileInfo(url).completeSuffix()),LOGINFO); // temporary file needs to be opened to get the filename downloadFile.open(); m_tempfilename = downloadFile.fileName(); downloadFile.close(); // get the real file. getter = new HttpGet(this); getter->setFile(&downloadFile); getter->getFile(QUrl(url)); // connect signals from HttpGet connect(getter, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(downloadDone(bool))); connect(getter, SIGNAL(dataReadProgress(int, int)), this, SLOT(updateDataReadProgress(int, int))); connect(m_dp, SIGNAL(aborted()), getter, SLOT(abort())); } void BootloaderInstaller::iaudioFinish() { QString firmware; firmware = resolvePathCase(m_mountpoint + "/FIRMWARE/") + "/" + m_bootloadername; //copy the firmware if(!downloadFile.copy(firmware)) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not copy: %1 to %2") .arg(m_tempfilename,firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } downloadFile.remove(); createInstallLog(); m_dp->addItem(tr("Bootloader install finished successfully."),LOGOK); m_dp->addItem(tr("To finish the Bootloader installation, follow the steps below."),LOGINFO); m_dp->addItem(tr("1. Eject/Unmount your Device."),LOGINFO); m_dp->addItem(tr("2. Turn you Device OFF."),LOGINFO); m_dp->addItem(tr("3. Insert Charger."),LOGINFO); m_dp->abort(); emit done(false); // success } /************************************************** *** h10 secific code ***************************************************/ void BootloaderInstaller::h10Prepare() { if(m_install) // Installation { QString url = m_bootloaderUrlBase + "/iriver/" + m_bootloadername; m_dp->addItem(tr("Downloading file %1.%2") .arg(QFileInfo(url).baseName(), QFileInfo(url).completeSuffix()),LOGINFO); // temporary file needs to be opened to get the filename downloadFile.open(); m_tempfilename = downloadFile.fileName(); downloadFile.close(); // get the real file. getter = new HttpGet(this); getter->setFile(&downloadFile); // connect signals from HttpGet connect(getter, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(downloadDone(bool))); connect(getter, SIGNAL(dataReadProgress(int, int)), this, SLOT(updateDataReadProgress(int, int))); connect(m_dp, SIGNAL(aborted()), getter, SLOT(abort())); getter->getFile(QUrl(url)); } else // Uninstallation { QString firmwarename = m_bootloadername.section('/', -1); QString firmware; firmware = resolvePathCase(m_mountpoint + "/SYSTEM/" + firmwarename); QString firmwareOrig = resolvePathCase(m_mountpoint + "/SYSTEM/OF.mi4"); QFileInfo firmwareFI(firmware); if(!firmwareFI.exists()) //Firmware dosent exists on player { firmware = resolvePathCase(m_mountpoint + "/SYSTEM/H10EMP.mi4"); //attempt other firmwarename firmwareFI.setFile(firmware); if(!firmwareFI.exists()) //Firmware dosent exists on player { m_dp->addItem(tr("Firmware does not exist: %1") .arg(firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } } QFileInfo firmwareOrigFI(firmwareOrig); if(!firmwareOrigFI.exists()) //Original Firmware dosent exists on player { m_dp->addItem(tr("Original Firmware does not exist: %1") .arg(firmwareOrig),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } QFile firmwareFile(firmware); QFile firmwareOrigFile(firmwareOrig); //remove modified firmware if(!firmwareFile.remove()) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not remove the Firmware at: %1") .arg(firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } // rename original firmware back if(!firmwareOrigFile.rename(firmware)) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not copy the Firmware from: %1 to %2") .arg(firmwareOrig,firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } removeInstallLog(); emit done(false); //success } } void BootloaderInstaller::h10Finish() { QString firmwarename = m_bootloadername.section('/', -1); QString firmware; firmware = resolvePathCase(m_mountpoint + "/SYSTEM/" + firmwarename); QString firmwareOrig = resolvePathCase(m_mountpoint + "/SYSTEM") + "/OF.mi4"; QFileInfo firmwareFI(firmware); if(!firmwareFI.exists()) //Firmware dosent exists on player { firmware = resolvePathCase(m_mountpoint + "/SYSTEM") +"/H10EMP.mi4"; //attempt other firmwarename firmwareFI.setFile(firmware); if(!firmwareFI.exists()) //Firmware dosent exists on player { m_dp->addItem(tr("Firmware does not exist: %1") .arg(firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } } QFileInfo firmwareOrigFI(firmwareOrig); if(!firmwareOrigFI.exists()) { QFile firmwareFile(firmware); //backup QDir::home().mkdir("Iriver H10 Original Firmware Backup"); firmwareFile.copy(QDir::toNativeSeparators(QDir::homePath()) + QDir::toNativeSeparators("/Iriver H10 Original Firmware Backup/") + m_bootloadername); firmwareFile.unsetError(); //rename if(!firmwareFile.rename(firmwareOrig)) //rename Firmware to Original { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not rename: %1 to %2") .arg(firmware,firmwareOrig),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } } else //there is already a original firmware { QFile firmwareFile(firmware); firmwareFile.remove(); } //copy the firmware if(!downloadFile.copy(firmware)) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not copy: %1 to %2") .arg(m_tempfilename,firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } downloadFile.remove(); createInstallLog(); m_dp->addItem(tr("Bootloader install finished successfully."),LOGOK); m_dp->abort(); emit done(false); // success } /************************************************** *** mrobe100 secific code ***************************************************/ void BootloaderInstaller::mrobe100Prepare() { if(m_install) // Installation { QString url = m_bootloaderUrlBase + "/olympus/mrobe100/" + m_bootloadername; m_dp->addItem(tr("Downloading file %1.%2") .arg(QFileInfo(url).baseName(), QFileInfo(url).completeSuffix()),LOGINFO); // temporary file needs to be opened to get the filename downloadFile.open(); m_tempfilename = downloadFile.fileName(); downloadFile.close(); // get the real file. getter = new HttpGet(this); getter->setFile(&downloadFile); // connect signals from HttpGet connect(getter, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(downloadDone(bool))); connect(getter, SIGNAL(dataReadProgress(int, int)), this, SLOT(updateDataReadProgress(int, int))); connect(m_dp, SIGNAL(aborted()), getter, SLOT(abort())); getter->getFile(QUrl(url)); } else // Uninstallation { QString firmwarename = m_bootloadername; QString firmware; firmware = resolvePathCase(m_mountpoint + "/SYSTEM/" + firmwarename); QString firmwareOrig = resolvePathCase(m_mountpoint + "/SYSTEM/OF.mi4"); QFileInfo firmwareFI(firmware); if(!firmwareFI.exists()) //Firmware dosent exists on player { m_dp->addItem(tr("Firmware does not exist: %1") .arg(firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } QFileInfo firmwareOrigFI(firmwareOrig); if(!firmwareOrigFI.exists()) //Original Firmware dosent exists on player { m_dp->addItem(tr("Original Firmware does not exist: %1") .arg(firmwareOrig),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } QFile firmwareFile(firmware); QFile firmwareOrigFile(firmwareOrig); //remove modified firmware if(!firmwareFile.remove()) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not remove the Firmware at: %1") .arg(firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } // move original firmware back if(!firmwareOrigFile.rename(firmware)) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not copy the Firmware from: %1 to %2") .arg(firmwareOrig,firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } removeInstallLog(); emit done(false); //success } } void BootloaderInstaller::mrobe100Finish() { QString firmwarename = m_bootloadername; QString firmware; firmware = resolvePathCase(m_mountpoint + "/SYSTEM/" + firmwarename); // NOTE: the filename for the OF may not exist yet, so resolve path only! QString firmwareOrig = resolvePathCase(m_mountpoint + "/SYSTEM") + "/OF.mi4"; QFileInfo firmwareFI(firmware); if(!firmwareFI.exists()) //Firmware dosent exists on player { m_dp->addItem(tr("Firmware does not exist: %1") .arg(firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } QFileInfo firmwareOrigFI(firmwareOrig); if(!firmwareOrigFI.exists()) { QFile firmwareFile(firmware); //backup QDir::home().mkdir("Olympus mrobe100 Original Firmware Backup"); firmwareFile.copy(QDir::toNativeSeparators(QDir::homePath()) + QDir::toNativeSeparators("/Olympus mrobe100 Original Firmware Backup/") + m_bootloadername); firmwareFile.unsetError(); //rename if(!firmwareFile.rename(firmwareOrig)) //rename Firmware to Original { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not rename: %1 to %2") .arg(firmware,firmwareOrig),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } } else //there is already a original firmware { QFile firmwareFile(firmware); firmwareFile.remove(); } //copy the firmware if(!downloadFile.copy(firmware)) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not copy: %1 to %2") .arg(m_tempfilename,firmware),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } downloadFile.remove(); createInstallLog(); m_dp->addItem(tr("Bootloader install finished successfully."),LOGOK); m_dp->abort(); emit done(false); // success } /************************************************** *** ipod secific code ***************************************************/ int verbose =0; // reserves memory for ipodpatcher bool initIpodpatcher() { if (ipod_alloc_buffer(§orbuf,BUFFER_SIZE) < 0) return true; else return false; } void BootloaderInstaller::ipodPrepare() { m_dp->addItem(tr("Searching for ipods"),LOGINFO); struct ipod_t ipod; int n = ipod_scan(&ipod); if (n == 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("No Ipods found"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (n > 1) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Too many Ipods found"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); } if(m_install) // Installation { QString url = m_bootloaderUrlBase + "/ipod/bootloader-" + m_bootloadername + ".ipod"; m_dp->addItem(tr("Downloading file %1.%2") .arg(QFileInfo(url).baseName(), QFileInfo(url).completeSuffix()),LOGINFO); // temporary file needs to be opened to get the filename downloadFile.open(); m_tempfilename = downloadFile.fileName(); downloadFile.close(); // get the real file. getter = new HttpGet(this); getter->setFile(&downloadFile); // connect signals from HttpGet connect(getter, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(downloadDone(bool))); connect(getter, SIGNAL(dataReadProgress(int, int)), this, SLOT(updateDataReadProgress(int, int))); connect(m_dp, SIGNAL(aborted()), getter, SLOT(abort())); getter->getFile(QUrl(url)); } else // Uninstallation { if (ipod_open(&ipod, 0) < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("could not open ipod"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (read_partinfo(&ipod,0) < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("could not read partitiontable"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (ipod.pinfo[0].start==0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("No partition 0 on disk"),LOGERROR); int i; double sectors_per_MB = (1024.0*1024.0)/ipod.sector_size; m_dp->addItem(tr("[INFO] Part Start Sector End Sector Size (MB) Type\n"),LOGINFO); for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if (ipod.pinfo[i].start != 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("[INFO] %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 (%6)").arg( i).arg( ipod.pinfo[i].start).arg( ipod.pinfo[i].start+ipod.pinfo[i].size-1).arg( ipod.pinfo[i].size/sectors_per_MB).arg( get_parttype(ipod.pinfo[i].type)).arg( ipod.pinfo[i].type),LOGINFO); } } emit done(true); return; } read_directory(&ipod); if (ipod.nimages <= 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Failed to read firmware directory"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (getmodel(&ipod,(ipod.ipod_directory[0].vers>>8)) < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Unknown version number in firmware (%1)").arg( ipod.ipod_directory[0].vers),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (ipod.macpod) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Warning this is a MacPod, Rockbox doesnt work on " "this. Convert it to WinPod\n" "See http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IpodConversionToFAT32"), LOGWARNING); emit done(true); return; } if (ipod_reopen_rw(&ipod) < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not open Ipod in RW mode"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (ipod.ipod_directory[0].entryOffset==0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("No bootloader detected."),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (delete_bootloader(&ipod)==0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Successfully removed Bootloader"),LOGOK); removeInstallLog(); emit done(false); ipod_close(&ipod); return; } else { m_dp->addItem(tr("--delete-bootloader failed."),LOGERROR); emit done(true); ipod_close(&ipod); return; } } } void BootloaderInstaller::ipodFinish() { struct ipod_t ipod; ipod_scan(&ipod); if (ipod_open(&ipod, 0) < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("could not open ipod"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (read_partinfo(&ipod,0) < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("could not read partitiontable"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (ipod.pinfo[0].start==0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("No partition 0 on disk"),LOGERROR); int i; double sectors_per_MB = (1024.0*1024.0)/ipod.sector_size; m_dp->addItem(tr("[INFO] Part Start Sector End Sector Size (MB) Type\n"),LOGINFO); for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if (ipod.pinfo[i].start != 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("[INFO] %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 (%6)").arg( i).arg( ipod.pinfo[i].start).arg( ipod.pinfo[i].start+ipod.pinfo[i].size-1).arg( ipod.pinfo[i].size/sectors_per_MB).arg( get_parttype(ipod.pinfo[i].type)).arg( ipod.pinfo[i].type),LOGWARNING); } } emit done(true); return; } read_directory(&ipod); if (ipod.nimages <= 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Failed to read firmware directory"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (getmodel(&ipod,(ipod.ipod_directory[0].vers>>8)) < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Unknown version number in firmware (%1)").arg( ipod.ipod_directory[0].vers),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (ipod.macpod) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Warning this is a MacPod, Rockbox doesnt work on " "this. Convert it to WinPod\n" "See http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IpodConversionToFAT32"), LOGWARNING); emit done(true); return; } if (ipod_reopen_rw(&ipod) < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not open Ipod in RW mode"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (add_bootloader(&ipod, m_tempfilename.toLatin1().data(), FILETYPE_DOT_IPOD)==0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Successfully added Bootloader"),LOGOK); createInstallLog(); emit done(false); ipod_close(&ipod); return; } else { m_dp->addItem(tr("failed to add Bootloader"),LOGERROR); ipod_close(&ipod); emit done(true); return; } } /************************************************** *** sansa secific code ***************************************************/ // reserves memory for sansapatcher bool initSansapatcher() { if (sansa_alloc_buffer(§orbuf,BUFFER_SIZE) < 0) return true; else return false; } void BootloaderInstaller::sansaPrepare() { m_dp->addItem(tr("Searching for sansas"),LOGINFO); struct sansa_t sansa; int n = sansa_scan(&sansa); if (n == 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("No Sansa found"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (n > 1) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Too many Sansas found"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); } if(m_install) // Installation { QString url = m_bootloaderUrlBase + "/sandisk-sansa/" + QString(sansa.targetname) + "/" + m_bootloadername; m_dp->addItem(tr("Downloading file %1.%2") .arg(QFileInfo(url).baseName(), QFileInfo(url).completeSuffix()),LOGINFO); // temporary file needs to be opened to get the filename downloadFile.open(); m_tempfilename = downloadFile.fileName(); downloadFile.close(); // get the real file. getter = new HttpGet(this); getter->setFile(&downloadFile); // connect signals from HttpGet connect(getter, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(downloadDone(bool))); connect(getter, SIGNAL(dataReadProgress(int, int)), this, SLOT(updateDataReadProgress(int, int))); connect(m_dp, SIGNAL(aborted()), getter, SLOT(abort())); getter->getFile(QUrl(url)); } else // Uninstallation { if (sansa_open(&sansa, 0) < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("could not open Sansa"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (sansa_read_partinfo(&sansa,0) < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("could not read partitiontable"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } int i = is_sansa(&sansa); if (i < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Disk is not a Sansa (%1), aborting.").arg(i),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (sansa.hasoldbootloader) { m_dp->addItem(tr("********************************************\n" "OLD ROCKBOX INSTALLATION DETECTED, ABORTING.\n" "You must reinstall the original Sansa firmware before running\n" "sansapatcher for the first time.\n" "See http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SansaE200Install\n" "*********************************************\n"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (sansa_reopen_rw(&sansa) < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not open Sansa in RW mode"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (sansa_delete_bootloader(&sansa)==0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Successfully removed Bootloader"),LOGOK); removeInstallLog(); emit done(false); sansa_close(&sansa); return; } else { m_dp->addItem(tr("--delete-bootloader failed."),LOGERROR); emit done(true); sansa_close(&sansa); return; } } } void BootloaderInstaller::sansaFinish() { struct sansa_t sansa; sansa_scan(&sansa); if (sansa_open(&sansa, 0) < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("could not open Sansa"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (sansa_read_partinfo(&sansa,0) < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("could not read partitiontable"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } int i = is_sansa(&sansa); if (i < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Disk is not a Sansa (%1), aborting.").arg(i),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (sansa.hasoldbootloader) { m_dp->addItem(tr("********************************************\n" "OLD ROCKBOX INSTALLATION DETECTED, ABORTING.\n" "You must reinstall the original Sansa firmware before running\n" "sansapatcher for the first time.\n" "See http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SansaE200Install\n" "*********************************************\n"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (sansa_reopen_rw(&sansa) < 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not open Sansa in RW mode"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } if (sansa_add_bootloader(&sansa, m_tempfilename.toLatin1().data(), FILETYPE_MI4)==0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Successfully added Bootloader"),LOGOK); createInstallLog(); emit done(false); sansa_close(&sansa); return; } else { m_dp->addItem(tr("failed to add Bootloader"),LOGERROR); sansa_close(&sansa); emit done(true); return; } } /************************************************** *** iriver /fwpatcher secific code ***************************************************/ void BootloaderInstaller::iriverPrepare() { char md5sum_str[32]; if (!FileMD5(m_origfirmware, md5sum_str)) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not MD5Sum original firmware"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } /* Check firmware against md5sums in h120sums and h100sums */ series = 0; table_entry = intable(md5sum_str, &h120pairs[0], sizeof(h120pairs)/sizeof(struct sumpairs)); if (table_entry >= 0) { series = 120; } else { table_entry = intable(md5sum_str, &h100pairs[0], sizeof(h100pairs)/sizeof(struct sumpairs)); if (table_entry >= 0) { series = 100; } else { table_entry = intable(md5sum_str, &h300pairs[0], sizeof(h300pairs)/sizeof(struct sumpairs)); if (table_entry >= 0) series = 300; } } if (series == 0) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not detect firmware type"),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } QString url = m_bootloaderUrlBase + "/iriver/" + m_bootloadername; m_dp->addItem(tr("Downloading file %1.%2") .arg(QFileInfo(url).baseName(), QFileInfo(url).completeSuffix()),LOGINFO); // temporary file needs to be opened to get the filename downloadFile.open(); m_tempfilename = downloadFile.fileName(); downloadFile.close(); // get the real file. getter = new HttpGet(this); getter->setFile(&downloadFile); // connect signals from HttpGet connect(getter, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(downloadDone(bool))); connect(getter, SIGNAL(dataReadProgress(int, int)), this, SLOT(updateDataReadProgress(int, int))); connect(m_dp, SIGNAL(aborted()), getter, SLOT(abort())); getter->getFile(QUrl(url)); } void BootloaderInstaller::iriverFinish() { // Patch firmware char md5sum_str[32]; struct sumpairs *sums = 0; int origin = 0; /* get pointer to the correct bootloader.bin */ switch(series) { case 100: sums = &h100pairs[0]; origin = 0x1f0000; break; case 120: sums = &h120pairs[0]; origin = 0x1f0000; break; case 300: sums = &h300pairs[0]; origin = 0x3f0000; break; } // temporary files needs to be opened to get the filename QTemporaryFile firmwareBin, newBin, newHex; firmwareBin.open(); newBin.open(); newHex.open(); QString firmwareBinName = firmwareBin.fileName(); QString newBinName = newBin.fileName(); QString newHexName = newHex.fileName(); firmwareBin.close(); newBin.close(); newHex.close(); // iriver decode if (iriver_decode(m_origfirmware, firmwareBinName, FALSE, STRIP_NONE,m_dp) == -1) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Error in descramble"),LOGERROR); firmwareBin.remove(); newBin.remove(); newHex.remove(); emit done(true); return; } // mkboot if (!mkboot(firmwareBinName, newBinName, m_tempfilename, origin,m_dp)) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Error in patching"),LOGERROR); firmwareBin.remove(); newBin.remove(); newHex.remove(); emit done(true); return; } // iriver_encode if (iriver_encode(newBinName, newHexName, FALSE,m_dp) == -1) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Error in scramble"),LOGERROR); firmwareBin.remove(); newBin.remove(); newHex.remove(); emit done(true); return; } /* now md5sum it */ if (!FileMD5(newHexName, md5sum_str)) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Error in checksumming"),LOGERROR); firmwareBin.remove(); newBin.remove(); newHex.remove(); emit done(true); return; } if (strncmp(sums[table_entry].patched, md5sum_str, 32) == 0) { /* delete temp files */ firmwareBin.remove(); newBin.remove(); } // Load patched Firmware to player QString dest; if(series == 100) dest = m_mountpoint + "/ihp_100.hex"; else if(series == 120) dest = m_mountpoint + "/ihp_120.hex"; else if(series == 300) dest = m_mountpoint + "/H300.hex"; // copy file QFile destfile(dest); if(destfile.exists()) destfile.remove(); if(!newHex.copy(dest)) { m_dp->addItem(tr("Could not copy: %1 to %2") .arg(newHexName,dest),LOGERROR); emit done(true); return; } downloadFile.remove(); newHex.remove(); createInstallLog(); m_dp->addItem(tr("Bootloader install finished successfully."),LOGOK); m_dp->addItem(tr("To finish the Bootloader installation, follow the steps below."),LOGINFO); m_dp->addItem(tr("1. Eject/Unmount your Device."),LOGINFO); m_dp->addItem(tr("2. Boot into the original Firmware."),LOGINFO); m_dp->addItem(tr("3. Use the Firmware flash option in the Original Firmware."),LOGINFO); m_dp->addItem(tr("4. Reboot."),LOGINFO); m_dp->abort(); emit done(false); // success }