InstallFrm Qt::WindowModal 0 0 600 450 Install Rockbox :/icons/icons/wizard.xpm Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop Please select the Rockbox version you want to install on your player: true Version Rockbox &stable &Archived Build &Current Build Details Details about the selected version true Note true Rockbox Utility stores copies of Rockbox it has downloaded on the local hard disk to save network traffic. If your local copy is no longer working, tick this box to download a fresh copy. &Don't use locally cached copy Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 &Install :/icons/icons/go-next.png &Cancel :/icons/icons/process-stop.png buttonOk clicked() InstallFrm accept() 562 420 500 352 buttonCancel clicked() InstallFrm reject() 658 429 611 360