InstallTalkFrm Qt::WindowModal 0 0 600 450 Install Talk Files :/icons/wizard.xpm Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop Select the Folder to generate Talkfiles for. Talkfile Folder &Browse :/icons/system-search.png:/icons/system-search.png Generation settings Encoder profile: TTS profile: 0 0 Change Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Generation options Run recursive true Strip Extensions false Overwrite Talkfiles true Generate .talk files for Folders true Generate .talk files for Files true false recursive StripExtensions OverwriteTalk talkFolders talkFiles label_3 fileFilter Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 &Install :/icons/go-next.png:/icons/go-next.png &Cancel :/icons/process-stop.png:/icons/process-stop.png lineTalkFolder buttonBrowse change talkFiles talkFolders recursive StripExtensions OverwriteTalk buttonOk buttonCancel buttonOk clicked() InstallTalkFrm accept() 472 418 382 328 buttonCancel clicked() InstallTalkFrm reject() 561 428 522 332