InstallTalkFrm Qt::WindowModal 0 0 600 450 Install Talk Files :/icons/icons/wizard.xpm Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop Select the Folder to generate Talkfiles for. &Browse :/icons/icons/system-search.png Generation settings Encoder profile: TTS profile: Generation options Overwrite Wavefiles Remove Wavefiles Run recursive Strip Extensions Overwrite Talkfiles Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 &Install :/icons/icons/go-next.png &Cancel :/icons/icons/process-stop.png buttonOk clicked() InstallTalkFrm accept() 472 418 382 328 buttonCancel clicked() InstallTalkFrm reject() 561 428 522 332