# ccache unix:!mac:!noccache { CCACHE = $$system(which ccache) !isEmpty(CCACHE) { message("using ccache") QMAKE_CXX = ccache g++ QMAKE_CC = ccache gcc } } MYBUILDDIR = $$OUT_PWD/build/ OBJECTS_DIR = $$MYBUILDDIR/o UI_DIR = $$MYBUILDDIR/ui MOC_DIR = $$MYBUILDDIR/moc RCC_DIR = $$MYBUILDDIR/rcc # check version of Qt installation VER = $$find(QT_VERSION, ^4\.[3-9]+.*) isEmpty(VER) { !isEmpty(QT_VERSION) error("Qt found:" $$[QT_VERSION]) error("Qt >= 4.3 required!") } message("Qt version used:" $$VER) RBBASE_DIR = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_ RBBASE_DIR = $$replace(RBBASE_DIR,/rbutil/rbutilqt,) message("Rockbox Base dir: "$$RBBASE_DIR) # check for system speex. Add a custom rule for pre-building librbspeex if not # found. Newer versions of speex are split up into libspeex and libspeexdsp, # and some distributions package them separately. Check for both and fall back # to librbspeex if not found. LIBSPEEX = $$system(pkg-config --silence-errors --libs speex speexdsp) !static:!isEmpty(LIBSPEEX) { LIBS += $$LIBSPEEX } # custom rules for rockbox-specific libs !mac { RBLIBPOSTFIX = .a } mac { RBLIBPOSTFIX = -universal } rbspeex.commands = @$(MAKE) TARGET_DIR=$$MYBUILDDIR -C $$RBBASE_DIR/tools/rbspeex librbspeex$$RBLIBPOSTFIX CC=\"$$QMAKE_CC\" libucl.commands = @$(MAKE) TARGET_DIR=$$MYBUILDDIR -C $$RBBASE_DIR/tools/ucl/src libucl$$RBLIBPOSTFIX CC=\"$$QMAKE_CC\" libmkamsboot.commands = @$(MAKE) TARGET_DIR=$$MYBUILDDIR -C $$RBBASE_DIR/rbutil/mkamsboot libmkamsboot$$RBLIBPOSTFIX CC=\"$$QMAKE_CC\" libmktccboot.commands = @$(MAKE) TARGET_DIR=$$MYBUILDDIR -C $$RBBASE_DIR/rbutil/mktccboot libmktccboot$$RBLIBPOSTFIX CC=\"$$QMAKE_CC\" QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += rbspeex libucl libmkamsboot libmktccboot PRE_TARGETDEPS += rbspeex libucl libmkamsboot libmktccboot # rule for creating ctags file tags.commands = ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q $(SOURCES) tags.depends = $(SOURCES) QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += tags # add a custom rule for making the translations lrelease.commands = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/lrelease -silent $$_PRO_FILE_ QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += lrelease !dbg { PRE_TARGETDEPS += lrelease } SOURCES += rbutilqt.cpp \ main.cpp \ installwindow.cpp \ base/httpget.cpp \ configure.cpp \ zip/zip.cpp \ zip/unzip.cpp \ base/zipinstaller.cpp \ progressloggergui.cpp \ installtalkwindow.cpp \ base/talkfile.cpp \ base/talkgenerator.cpp \ base/autodetection.cpp \ ../ipodpatcher/ipodpatcher.c \ ../sansapatcher/sansapatcher.c \ ../chinachippatcher/chinachip.c \ browsedirtree.cpp \ themesinstallwindow.cpp \ base/uninstall.cpp \ uninstallwindow.cpp \ base/utils.cpp \ preview.cpp \ base/encoders.cpp \ encttscfggui.cpp \ base/encttssettings.cpp \ base/ttsbase.cpp \ base/ttsexes.cpp \ base/ttssapi.cpp \ base/ttsfestival.cpp \ ../../tools/wavtrim.c \ ../../tools/voicefont.c \ base/voicefile.cpp \ createvoicewindow.cpp \ base/rbsettings.cpp \ base/serverinfo.cpp \ base/systeminfo.cpp \ base/rbunzip.cpp \ base/rbzip.cpp \ base/system.cpp \ sysinfo.cpp \ systrace.cpp \ base/bootloaderinstallbase.cpp \ base/bootloaderinstallmi4.cpp \ base/bootloaderinstallhex.cpp \ base/bootloaderinstallipod.cpp \ base/bootloaderinstallsansa.cpp \ base/bootloaderinstallfile.cpp \ base/bootloaderinstallchinachip.cpp \ base/bootloaderinstallams.cpp \ base/bootloaderinstalltcc.cpp \ ../../tools/mkboot.c \ ../../tools/iriver.c \ HEADERS += rbutilqt.h \ installwindow.h \ base/httpget.h \ configure.h \ zip/zip.h \ zip/unzip.h \ zip/zipentry_p.h \ zip/unzip_p.h \ zip/zip_p.h \ version.h \ base/zipinstaller.h \ installtalkwindow.h \ base/talkfile.h \ base/talkgenerator.h \ base/autodetection.h \ base/progressloggerinterface.h \ progressloggergui.h \ ../ipodpatcher/ipodpatcher.h \ ../ipodpatcher/ipodio.h \ ../ipodpatcher/parttypes.h \ ../sansapatcher/sansapatcher.h \ ../sansapatcher/sansaio.h \ ../chinachippatcher/chinachip.h \ irivertools/h100sums.h \ irivertools/h120sums.h \ irivertools/h300sums.h \ browsedirtree.h \ themesinstallwindow.h \ base/uninstall.h \ uninstallwindow.h \ base/utils.h \ preview.h \ base/encoders.h \ encttscfggui.h \ base/encttssettings.h \ base/ttsbase.h \ base/ttsexes.h \ base/ttsfestival.h \ base/ttssapi.h \ ../../tools/wavtrim.h \ ../../tools/voicefont.h \ base/voicefile.h \ createvoicewindow.h \ base/rbsettings.h \ base/serverinfo.h \ base/systeminfo.h \ base/rbunzip.h \ base/rbzip.h \ sysinfo.h \ base/system.h \ systrace.h \ base/bootloaderinstallbase.h \ base/bootloaderinstallmi4.h \ base/bootloaderinstallhex.h \ base/bootloaderinstallipod.h \ base/bootloaderinstallsansa.h \ base/bootloaderinstallfile.h \ base/bootloaderinstallchinachip.h \ base/bootloaderinstallams.h \ base/bootloaderinstalltcc.h \ ../../tools/mkboot.h \ ../../tools/iriver.h \ # Needed by QT on Win INCLUDEPATH = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_ $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/irivertools $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/zip $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/zlib $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/base INCLUDEPATH += $$RBBASE_DIR/rbutil/ipodpatcher $$RBBASE_DIR/rbutil/sansapatcher $$RBBASE_DIR/tools/rbspeex $$RBBASE_DIR/tools DEPENDPATH = $$INCLUDEPATH LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD -L$$MYBUILDDIR -lrbspeex -lmkamsboot -lmktccboot -lucl TEMPLATE = app dbg { CONFIG += debug thread qt warn_on DEFINES -= QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT message("debug") } !dbg { CONFIG += release thread qt DEFINES -= QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT DEFINES += NODEBUG message("release") } TARGET = RockboxUtility FORMS += rbutilqtfrm.ui \ aboutbox.ui \ installwindowfrm.ui \ progressloggerfrm.ui \ configurefrm.ui \ browsedirtreefrm.ui \ installtalkfrm.ui \ themesinstallfrm.ui \ uninstallfrm.ui \ previewfrm.ui \ createvoicefrm.ui \ sysinfofrm.ui \ systracefrm.ui RESOURCES += $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/rbutilqt.qrc win32 { RESOURCES += $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/rbutilqt-win.qrc } !dbg { RESOURCES += $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/rbutilqt-lang.qrc } TRANSLATIONS += lang/rbutil_cs.ts \ lang/rbutil_de.ts \ lang/rbutil_fi.ts \ lang/rbutil_fr.ts \ lang/rbutil_gr.ts \ lang/rbutil_he.ts \ lang/rbutil_it.ts \ lang/rbutil_ja.ts \ lang/rbutil_nl.ts \ lang/rbutil_pl.ts \ lang/rbutil_pt.ts \ lang/rbutil_pt_BR.ts \ lang/rbutil_ru.ts \ lang/rbutil_tr.ts \ lang/rbutil_zh_CN.ts \ lang/rbutil_zh_TW.ts \ QT += network DEFINES += RBUTIL _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE win32 { SOURCES += ../ipodpatcher/ipodio-win32.c SOURCES += ../ipodpatcher/ipodio-win32-scsi.c SOURCES += ../sansapatcher/sansaio-win32.c RC_FILE = rbutilqt.rc LIBS += -lsetupapi -lnetapi32 } unix { SOURCES += ../ipodpatcher/ipodio-posix.c SOURCES += ../sansapatcher/sansaio-posix.c } unix:!static:!libusb1 { LIBS += -lusb } unix:!static:libusb1 { DEFINES += LIBUSB1 LIBS += -lusb-1.0 } unix:static { # force statically linking of libusb. Libraries that are appended # later will get linked dynamically again. LIBS += -Wl,-Bstatic -lusb -Wl,-Bdynamic } macx { SOURCES += base/ttscarbon.cpp HEADERS += base/ttscarbon.h QMAKE_MAC_SDK=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk QMAKE_LFLAGS_PPC=-mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -arch ppc QMAKE_LFLAGS_X86=-mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -arch i386 CONFIG+=x86 ppc LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -framework IOKit -framework CoreFoundation -framework Carbon -lz INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Info.plist RC_FILE = icons/rbutilqt.icns # rule for creating a dmg file dmg.commands = hdiutil create -ov -srcfolder rbutilqt.app/ rbutil.dmg QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += dmg } static { QTPLUGIN += qtaccessiblewidgets LIBS += -L$$(QT_BUILD_TREE)/plugins/accessible -lqtaccessiblewidgets LIBS += -L. DEFINES += STATIC message("using static plugin") } unix { target.path = /usr/local/bin INSTALLS += target }