RbUtilQtFrm 0 0 650 399 Rockbox Utility :/icons/rockbox-clef.svg:/icons/rockbox-clef.svg 0 0 Device 1 :/icons/rockbox-32.png false Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter 3 0 0 Device: device unknown or invalid Qt::Horizontal 40 20 &Change :/icons/edit-find.svg:/icons/edit-find.svg &Eject :/icons/media-eject.svg:/icons/media-eject.svg Mountpoint: mountpoint unknown or invalid 0 0 0 0 :/icons/rblogo.png false 0 &Installation Welcome &Accessibility Install accessibility add-ons Install Voice files :/icons/audio-volume-high.svg:/icons/audio-volume-high.svg 56 46 <b>Install Voice file</b><br/>Voice files are needed to make Rockbox speak the user interface. Speaking is enabled by default, so if you installed the voice file Rockbox will speak. true Install Talk files :/icons/audio-volume-high.svg:/icons/audio-volume-high.svg 56 46 <b>Create Talk Files</b><br/>Talkfiles are needed to let Rockbox speak File and Foldernames Qt::Vertical 20 51 Qt::Vertical 20 51 Create Voice files :/icons/audio-volume-high.svg:/icons/audio-volume-high.svg 56 46 <b>Create Voice file</b><br/>Voice files are needed to make Rockbox speak the user interface. Speaking is enabled by default, so if you installed the voice file Rockbox will speak. true Backup && &Uninstallation Uninstall Rockbox Uninstall Bootloader :/icons/edit-clear.svg:/icons/edit-clear.svg 56 46 <b>Remove the bootloader</b><br/>After removing the bootloader you won't be able to start Rockbox. true Uninstall Rockbox :/icons/edit-clear.svg:/icons/edit-clear.svg 56 46 <b>Uninstall Rockbox from your audio player.</b><br/>This will leave the bootloader in place (you need to remove it manually). Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter true Backup :/icons/package-x-generic.svg:/icons/package-x-generic.svg 56 46 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Backup current installation.</span></p><p>Create a backup by archiving the contents of the Rockbox installation folder.</p></body></html> Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter true Qt::Vertical 20 40 &Manual View and download the manual Inf&o 0 0 650 23 &File &Help Action&s &Accessibility &Uninstallation Empty local download cache Install Rockbox Utility on player &Configure E&xit Ctrl+Q &About About &Qt &Help Info :/icons/bootloader_btn.png:/icons/bootloader_btn.png &Complete Installation :/icons/rbinstall_btn.png:/icons/rbinstall_btn.png &Minimal Installation :/icons/bootloader_btn.png:/icons/bootloader_btn.png Install &Bootloader :/icons/rbinstall_btn.png:/icons/rbinstall_btn.png Install &Rockbox :/icons/font_btn.png:/icons/font_btn.png Install &Fonts Package :/icons/preferences-desktop-theme.svg:/icons/preferences-desktop-theme.svg Install &Themes :/icons/input-gaming.svg:/icons/input-gaming.svg Install &Game Files :/icons/audio-volume-high.svg:/icons/audio-volume-high.svg &Install Voice File :/icons/audio-volume-high.svg:/icons/audio-volume-high.svg Create &Talk Files :/icons/edit-clear.svg:/icons/edit-clear.svg Remove &bootloader :/icons/edit-clear.svg:/icons/edit-clear.svg Uninstall &Rockbox Read PDF manual Read HTML manual Download PDF manual Download HTML manual (zip) :/icons/audio-volume-high.svg:/icons/audio-volume-high.svg Create &Voice File Create Voice File &System Info System &Trace &Installation Show &Changelog tabWidget buttonChangeDevice buttonRemoveBootloader buttonRemoveRockbox buttonVoice buttonCreateVoice buttonTalk