/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * * Copyright (C) 2007 by Dominik Wenger * $Id$ * * All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License. * See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "talkfile.h" TalkFileCreator::TalkFileCreator(QObject* parent): QObject(parent) { } bool TalkFileCreator::initEncoder() { QFileInfo enc(m_EncExec); if(enc.exists()) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool TalkFileCreator::createTalkFiles(ProgressloggerInterface* logger) { m_abort = false; m_logger = logger; m_logger->addItem("Starting Talkfile generation",LOGINFO); if(m_curTTS == "sapi") m_tts = new TTSSapi(); else m_tts = new TTSExes(); m_tts->setTTSexe(m_TTSexec); m_tts->setTTsOpts(m_TTSOpts); m_tts->setTTsLanguage(m_TTSLanguage); m_tts->setTTsTemplate(m_curTTSTemplate); if(!m_tts->start()) { m_logger->addItem("Init of TTS engine failed",LOGERROR); return false; } if(!initEncoder()) { m_logger->addItem("Init of encoder failed",LOGERROR); m_tts->stop(); return false; } QApplication::processEvents(); connect(logger,SIGNAL(aborted()),this,SLOT(abort())); m_logger->setProgressMax(0); QDirIterator it(m_dir,QDirIterator::Subdirectories); QSettings installlog(m_mountpoint + "/.rockbox/rbutil.log", QSettings::IniFormat, 0); installlog.beginGroup("talkfiles"); // iterate over all entrys while (it.hasNext()) { if(m_abort) { m_logger->addItem("Talkfile creation aborted",LOGERROR); m_tts->stop(); return false; } QApplication::processEvents(); QFileInfo fileInf = it.fileInfo(); QString toSpeak; QString filename; QString wavfilename; if(fileInf.fileName() == "." || fileInf.fileName() == ".." || fileInf.suffix() == "talk") { it.next(); continue; } if(fileInf.isDir()) // if it is a dir { toSpeak = fileInf.fileName(); filename = fileInf.absolutePath() + "/_dirname.talk"; } else // if it is a file { if(m_stripExtensions) toSpeak = fileInf.baseName(); else toSpeak = fileInf.fileName(); filename = fileInf.absoluteFilePath() + ".talk"; } wavfilename = filename + ".wav"; QFileInfo filenameInf(filename); QFileInfo wavfilenameInf(wavfilename); if(!filenameInf.exists() || m_overwriteTalk) { if(!wavfilenameInf.exists() || m_overwriteWav) { m_logger->addItem("Voicing of " + toSpeak,LOGINFO); if(!m_tts->voice(toSpeak,wavfilename)) { m_logger->addItem("Voicing of " + toSpeak + " failed",LOGERROR); m_logger->abort(); m_tts->stop(); return false; } } m_logger->addItem("Encoding of " + toSpeak,LOGINFO); if(!encode(wavfilename,filename)) { m_logger->addItem("Encoding of " + wavfilename + " failed",LOGERROR); m_logger->abort(); m_tts->stop(); return false; } } QString now = QDate::currentDate().toString("yyyyMMdd"); if(m_removeWav) { QFile wavfile(wavfilename); wavfile.remove(); installlog.remove(wavfilename); } else installlog.setValue(wavfilename.remove(m_mountpoint),now); installlog.setValue(filename.remove(m_mountpoint),now); it.next(); } installlog.endGroup(); m_tts->stop(); m_logger->addItem("Finished creating Talkfiles",LOGOK); m_logger->setProgressMax(1); m_logger->setProgressValue(1); m_logger->abort(); return true; } void TalkFileCreator::abort() { m_abort = true; } bool TalkFileCreator::encode(QString input,QString output) { qDebug() << "encoding.."; QString execstring = m_curEncTemplate; execstring.replace("%exe",m_EncExec); execstring.replace("%options",m_EncOpts); execstring.replace("%input",input); execstring.replace("%output",output); qDebug() << execstring; QProcess::execute(execstring); return true; } bool TTSSapi::start() { QFileInfo tts(m_TTSexec); if(!tts.exists()) return false; // create the voice process QString execstring = m_TTSTemplate; execstring.replace("%exe",m_TTSexec); execstring.replace("%options",m_TTSOpts); execstring.replace("%lang",m_TTSLanguage); qDebug() << "init" << execstring; voicescript = new QProcess(NULL); voicescript->start(execstring); if(!voicescript->waitForStarted()) return false; return true; } bool TTSSapi::voice(QString text,QString wavfile) { QString query = "SPEAK\t"+wavfile+"\t"+text+"\r\n"; qDebug() << "voicing" << query; voicescript->write(query.toLocal8Bit()); voicescript->write("SYNC\tbla\r\n"); voicescript->waitForReadyRead(); return true; } bool TTSSapi::stop() { QString query = "QUIT\r\n"; voicescript->write(query.toLocal8Bit()); voicescript->waitForFinished(); delete voicescript; return true; } bool TTSExes::start() { QFileInfo tts(m_TTSexec); qDebug() << "ttsexe init"; if(tts.exists()) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool TTSExes::voice(QString text,QString wavfile) { QString execstring = m_TTSTemplate; execstring.replace("%exe",m_TTSexec); execstring.replace("%options",m_TTSOpts); execstring.replace("%wavfile",wavfile); execstring.replace("%text",text); qDebug() << "voicing" << execstring; QProcess::execute(execstring); return true; }