#!/usr/bin/perl # __________ __ ___. # Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ # Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / # Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < # Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ # \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ # $Id$ # use strict; use File::Copy; # For move() and copy() use File::Find; # For find() use File::Path; # For rmtree() use Cwd 'abs_path'; use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through); # pass_through so not confused by -DTYPE_STUFF my $ROOT=".."; my $ziptool="zip -r9"; my $output="rockbox.zip"; my $verbose; my $install=0; my $exe; my $target; my $modelname; my $incfonts; my $target_id; # passed in, not currently used my $rbdir=".rockbox"; # can be changed for special builds sub glob_copy { my ($pattern, $destination) = @_; print "glob_copy: $pattern -> $destination\n" if $verbose; foreach my $path (glob($pattern)) { copy($path, $destination); } } sub glob_move { my ($pattern, $destination) = @_; print "glob_move: $pattern -> $destination\n" if $verbose; foreach my $path (glob($pattern)) { move($path, $destination); } } sub glob_unlink { my ($pattern) = @_; print "glob_unlink: $pattern\n" if $verbose; foreach my $path (glob($pattern)) { unlink($path); } } sub find_copyfile { my ($pattern, $destination) = @_; print "find_copyfile: $pattern -> $destination\n" if $verbose; return sub { my $path = $_; if ($path =~ $pattern && filesize($path) > 0 && !($path =~ /$rbdir/)) { copy($path, $destination); chmod(0755, $destination.'/'.$path); } } } # Get options GetOptions ( 'r|root=s' => \$ROOT, 'z|ziptool=s' => \$ziptool, 'm|modelname=s' => \$modelname, # The model name as used in ARCHOS in the root makefile 'i|id=s' => \$target_id, # The target id name as used in TARGET_ID in the root makefile 'o|output=s' => \$output, 'f|fonts=s' => \$incfonts, # 0 - no fonts, 1 - fonts only 2 - fonts and package 'v|verbose' => \$verbose, 'install=s' => \$install, # install destination 'rbdir=s' => \$rbdir, # If we want to put in a different directory ); ($target, $exe) = @ARGV; my $firmdir="$ROOT/firmware"; my $appsdir="$ROOT/apps"; my $viewer_bmpdir="$ROOT/apps/plugins/bitmaps/viewer_defaults"; my $cppdef = $target; sub gettargetinfo { open(GCC, ">gcctemp"); # Get the LCD screen depth and graphical status print GCC <) { # print STDERR "DATA: $_"; if($_ =~ /^Bitmap: (.*)/) { $bitmap = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^Depth: (\d*)/) { $depth = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^LCD Width: (\d*)/) { $width = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^LCD Height: (\d*)/) { $height = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^Icon Width: (\d*)/) { $icon_w = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^Icon Height: (\d*)/) { $icon_h = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^Codec: (\d*)/) { # SWCODEC is 1, the others are HWCODEC $swcodec = ($1 == 1); } elsif($_ =~ /^Remote Depth: (\d*)/) { $remote_depth = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^Remote Icon Width: (\d*)/) { $remote_icon_w = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^Remote Icon Height: (\d*)/) { $remote_icon_h = $1; } if($_ =~ /^Recording: (.*)/) { $recording = $1; } } close(TARGET); unlink("gcctemp"); return ($bitmap, $depth, $width, $height, $icon_w, $icon_h, $recording, $swcodec, $remote_depth, $remote_icon_w, $remote_icon_h); } sub filesize { my ($filename)=@_; my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($filename); return $size; } sub buildzip { my ($image, $fonts)=@_; print "buildzip: image=$image fonts=$fonts\n" if $verbose; my ($bitmap, $depth, $width, $height, $icon_w, $icon_h, $recording, $swcodec, $remote_depth, $remote_icon_w, $remote_icon_h) = &gettargetinfo(); # print "Bitmap: $bitmap\nDepth: $depth\nSwcodec: $swcodec\n"; # remove old traces rmtree($rbdir); mkdir $rbdir, 0777; if(!$bitmap) { # always disable fonts on non-bitmap targets $fonts = 0; } if($fonts) { mkdir "$rbdir/fonts", 0777; chdir "$rbdir/fonts"; my $cmd = "$ROOT/tools/convbdf -f $ROOT/fonts/*bdf >/dev/null 2>&1"; print($cmd."\n") if $verbose; system($cmd); chdir("../../"); if($fonts < 2) { # fonts-only package, return return; } } # create the file so the database does not try indexing a folder open(IGNORE, ">$rbdir/database.ignore") || die "can't open database.ignore"; close(IGNORE); mkdir "$rbdir/langs", 0777; mkdir "$rbdir/rocks", 0777; mkdir "$rbdir/rocks/games", 0777; mkdir "$rbdir/rocks/apps", 0777; mkdir "$rbdir/rocks/demos", 0777; mkdir "$rbdir/rocks/viewers", 0777; if ($recording) { mkdir "$rbdir/recpresets", 0777; } if($swcodec) { mkdir "$rbdir/eqs", 0777; glob_copy("$ROOT/apps/eqs/*.cfg", "$rbdir/eqs/"); # equalizer presets } mkdir "$rbdir/wps", 0777; mkdir "$rbdir/themes", 0777; if ($bitmap) { open(THEME, ">$rbdir/themes/rockbox_default_icons.cfg"); print THEME < 1) { mkdir "$rbdir/backdrops", 0777; } find(find_copyfile(qr/.*\.codec/, abs_path("$rbdir/codecs/")), 'apps/codecs'); # remove directory again if no codec was copied rmdir("$rbdir/codecs"); } find(find_copyfile(qr/\.(rock|ovl|lua)/, abs_path("$rbdir/rocks/")), 'apps/plugins'); open VIEWERS, "$ROOT/apps/plugins/viewers.config" or die "can't open viewers.config"; my @viewers = ; close VIEWERS; open VIEWERS, ">$rbdir/viewers.config" or die "can't create $rbdir/viewers.config"; foreach my $line (@viewers) { if ($line =~ /([^,]*),([^,]*),/) { my ($ext, $plugin)=($1, $2); my $r = "${plugin}.rock"; my $oname; my $dir = $r; my $name; # strip off the last slash and file name part $dir =~ s/(.*)\/(.*)/$1/; # store the file name part $name = $2; # get .ovl name (file part only) $oname = $name; $oname =~ s/\.rock$/.ovl/; # print STDERR "$ext $plugin $dir $name $r\n"; if(-e "$rbdir/rocks/$name") { if($dir ne "rocks") { # target is not 'rocks' but the plugins are always in that # dir at first! move("$rbdir/rocks/$name", "$rbdir/rocks/$r"); } print VIEWERS $line; } elsif(-e "$rbdir/rocks/$r") { # in case the same plugin works for multiple extensions, it # was already moved to the viewers dir print VIEWERS $line; } if(-e "$rbdir/rocks/$oname") { # if there's an "overlay" file for the .rock, move that as # well move("$rbdir/rocks/$oname", "$rbdir/rocks/$dir"); } } } close VIEWERS; open CATEGORIES, "$ROOT/apps/plugins/CATEGORIES" or die "can't open CATEGORIES"; my @rock_targetdirs = ; close CATEGORIES; foreach my $line (@rock_targetdirs) { if ($line =~ /([^,]*),(.*)/) { my ($plugin, $dir)=($1, $2); move("$rbdir/rocks/${plugin}.rock", "$rbdir/rocks/$dir/${plugin}.rock"); if(-e "$rbdir/rocks/${plugin}.ovl") { # if there's an "overlay" file for the .rock, move that as # well move("$rbdir/rocks/${plugin}.ovl", "$rbdir/rocks/$dir"); } if(-e "$rbdir/rocks/${plugin}.lua") { # if this is a lua script, move it to the appropriate dir move("$rbdir/rocks/${plugin}.lua", "$rbdir/rocks/$dir/"); } } } glob_unlink("$rbdir/rocks/*.lua"); # Clean up unwanted *.lua files (e.g. actions.lua, buttons.lua) if ($bitmap) { mkdir "$rbdir/icons", 0777; copy("$viewer_bmpdir/viewers.${icon_w}x${icon_h}x$depth.bmp", "$rbdir/icons/viewers.bmp"); if ($remote_depth) { copy("$viewer_bmpdir/remote_viewers.${remote_icon_w}x${remote_icon_h}x$remote_depth.bmp", "$rbdir/icons/remote_viewers.bmp"); } } copy("$ROOT/apps/tagnavi.config", "$rbdir/"); copy("$ROOT/apps/plugins/disktidy.config", "$rbdir/rocks/apps/"); if($bitmap) { copy("$ROOT/apps/plugins/sokoban.levels", "$rbdir/rocks/games/sokoban.levels"); # sokoban levels copy("$ROOT/apps/plugins/snake2.levels", "$rbdir/rocks/games/snake2.levels"); # snake2 levels copy("$ROOT/apps/plugins/rockbox-fonts.config", "$rbdir/rocks/viewers/"); } if(-e "$rbdir/rocks/demos/pictureflow.rock") { copy("$ROOT/apps/plugins/bitmaps/native/pictureflow_emptyslide.100x100x16.bmp", "$rbdir/rocks/demos/pictureflow_emptyslide.bmp"); my ($pf_logo); if ($width < 200) { $pf_logo = "pictureflow_logo.100x18x16.bmp"; } else { $pf_logo = "pictureflow_logo.193x34x16.bmp"; } copy("$ROOT/apps/plugins/bitmaps/native/$pf_logo", "$rbdir/rocks/demos/pictureflow_splash.bmp"); } if($image) { # image is blank when this is a simulator if( filesize("rockbox.ucl") > 1000 ) { copy("rockbox.ucl", "$rbdir/rockbox.ucl"); # UCL for flashing } if( filesize("rombox.ucl") > 1000) { copy("rombox.ucl", "$rbdir/rombox.ucl"); # UCL for flashing } # Check for rombox.target if ($image=~/(.*)\.(\w+)$/) { my $romfile = "rombox.$2"; if (filesize($romfile) > 1000) { copy($romfile, "$rbdir/$romfile"); } } } mkdir "$rbdir/docs", 0777; for(("COPYING", "LICENSES", "KNOWN_ISSUES" )) { copy("$ROOT/docs/$_", "$rbdir/docs/$_.txt"); } if ($fonts) { copy("$ROOT/docs/profontdoc.txt", "$rbdir/docs/profontdoc.txt"); } for(("sample.colours", "sample.icons" )) { copy("$ROOT/docs/$_", "$rbdir/docs/$_"); } # Now do the WPS dance if(-d "$ROOT/wps") { my $wps_build_cmd="perl $ROOT/wps/wpsbuild.pl "; $wps_build_cmd=$wps_build_cmd."-v " if $verbose; $wps_build_cmd=$wps_build_cmd." --rbdir=$rbdir -r $ROOT -m $modelname $ROOT/wps/WPSLIST $target"; print "wpsbuild: $wps_build_cmd\n" if $verbose; system("$wps_build_cmd"); print "wps_build_cmd: done\n" if $verbose; } else { print STDERR "No wps module present, can't do the WPS magic!\n"; } # until buildwps.pl is fixed, manually copy the classic_statusbar theme across mkdir "$rbdir/wps/classic_statusbar", 0777; glob_copy("$ROOT/wps/classic_statusbar/*.bmp", "$rbdir/wps/classic_statusbar"); if ($swcodec) { if ($depth == 16) { copy("$ROOT/wps/classic_statusbar.sbs", "$rbdir/wps"); } elsif ($depth > 1) { copy("$ROOT/wps/classic_statusbar.grey.sbs", "$rbdir/wps/classic_statusbar.sbs"); } else { copy("$ROOT/wps/classic_statusbar.mono.sbs", "$rbdir/wps/classic_statusbar.sbs"); } } else { copy("$ROOT/wps/classic_statusbar.112x64x1.sbs", "$rbdir/wps/classic_statusbar.sbs"); } system("touch $rbdir/wps/rockbox_none.sbs"); if ($remote_depth != $depth) { copy("$ROOT/wps/classic_statusbar.mono.sbs", "$rbdir/wps/classic_statusbar.rsbs"); } else { copy("$rbdir/wps/classic_statusbar.sbs", "$rbdir/wps/classic_statusbar.rsbs"); } copy("$rbdir/wps/rockbox_none.sbs", "$rbdir/wps/rockbox_none.rsbs"); # and the info file copy("rockbox-info.txt", "$rbdir/rockbox-info.txt"); # copy the already built lng files glob_copy('apps/lang/*lng', "$rbdir/langs/"); # copy the .lua files mkdir "$rbdir/rocks/viewers/lua/", 0777; glob_copy('apps/plugins/lua/*.lua', "$rbdir/rocks/viewers/lua/"); } my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $mon+=1; $year+=1900; #$date=sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $year,$mon, $mday); #$shortdate=sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", $year%100,$mon, $mday); # made once for all targets sub runone { my ($target, $fonts)=@_; # build a full install .rockbox ($rbdir) directory buildzip($target, $fonts); unlink($output); if($fonts == 1) { # Don't include image file in fonts-only package undef $target; } if($target && ($target !~ /(mod|ajz|wma)\z/i)) { # On some targets, the image goes into .rockbox. copy("$target", "$rbdir/$target"); undef $target; } if($verbose) { print "$ziptool $output $rbdir $target >/dev/null\n"; } if($install) { if ($install =~ /\/dev\/null/) { die "ERROR: No PREFIX given\n" } system("cp -r $rbdir \"$install\" >/dev/null"); } else { system("$ziptool $output $rbdir $target >/dev/null"); } # remove the $rbdir afterwards rmtree($rbdir); }; if(!$exe) { # not specified, guess! if($target =~ /(recorder|ondio)/i) { $exe = "ajbrec.ajz"; } elsif($target =~ /iriver/i) { $exe = "rockbox.iriver"; } else { $exe = "archos.mod"; } } elsif($exe =~ /rockboxui/) { # simulator, exclude the exe file $exe = ""; } runone($exe, $incfonts);