#!/usr/bin/perl # __________ __ ___. # Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ # Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / # Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < # Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ # \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ # $Id$ # $ROOT=".."; my $ziptool="zip"; my $output="rockbox.zip"; my $verbose; my $exe; my $target; while(1) { if($ARGV[0] eq "-r") { $ROOT=$ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; } elsif($ARGV[0] eq "-z") { $ziptool=$ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; } elsif($ARGV[0] eq "-o") { $output=$ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; } elsif($ARGV[0] eq "-v") { $verbose =1; shift @ARGV; } else { $target = $ARGV[0]; $exe = $ARGV[1]; last; } } my $firmdir="$ROOT/firmware"; my $cppdef = $target; sub filesize { my ($filename)=@_; my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($filename); return $size; } sub buildlangs { my ($outputlang)=@_; my $dir = "$ROOT/apps/lang"; opendir(DIR, $dir); my @files = grep { /\.lang$/ } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); for(@files) { my $output = $_; $output =~ s/(.*)\.lang/$1.lng/; print "lang $_\n" if($verbose); system ("$ROOT/tools/binlang $dir/english.lang $dir/$_ $outputlang/$output >/dev/null 2>&1"); } } sub buildzip { my ($zip, $image, $notplayer)=@_; # remove old traces `rm -rf .rockbox`; mkdir ".rockbox", 0777; mkdir ".rockbox/langs", 0777; mkdir ".rockbox/rocks", 0777; if($notplayer) { mkdir ".rockbox/codepages", 0777; mkdir ".rockbox/codecs", 0777; mkdir ".rockbox/wps", 0777; mkdir ".rockbox/themes", 0777; mkdir ".rockbox/backdrops", 0777; mkdir ".rockbox/eqs", 0777; my $c = 'find apps -name "*.codec" ! -empty -exec cp {} .rockbox/codecs/ \; 2>/dev/null'; `$c`; system("$ROOT/tools/codepages"); my $c = 'find . -name "*.cp" ! -empty -exec mv {} .rockbox/codepages/ \; >/dev/null 2>&1'; `$c`; my @call = `find .rockbox/codecs -type f 2>/dev/null`; if(!$call[0]) { # no codec was copied, remove directory again rmdir(".rockbox/codecs"); } } $c= 'find apps "(" -name "*.rock" -o -name "*.ovl" ")" ! -empty -exec cp {} .rockbox/rocks/ \;'; print `$c`; open VIEWERS, "$ROOT/apps/plugins/viewers.config" or die "can't open viewers.config"; @viewers = ; close VIEWERS; open VIEWERS, ">.rockbox/viewers.config" or die "can't create .rockbox/viewers.config"; mkdir ".rockbox/viewers", 0777; foreach my $line (@viewers) { if ($line =~ /([^,]*),([^,]*),/) { my ($ext, $plugin)=($1, $2); my $r = "${plugin}.rock"; my $oname; my $dir = $r; my $name; # strip off the last slash and file name part $dir =~ s/(.*)\/(.*)/$1/; # store the file name part $name = $2; # get .ovl name (file part only) $oname = $name; $oname =~ s/\.rock$/.ovl/; # print STDERR "$ext $plugin $dir $name $r\n"; if(-e ".rockbox/rocks/$name") { if($dir ne "rocks") { # target is not 'rocks' but the plugins are always in that # dir at first! `mv .rockbox/rocks/$name .rockbox/$r`; } print VIEWERS $line; } elsif(-e ".rockbox/$r") { # in case the same plugin works for multiple extensions, it # was already moved to the viewers dir print VIEWERS $line; } if(-e ".rockbox/rocks/$oname") { # if there's an "overlay" file for the .rock, move that as # well `mv .rockbox/rocks/$oname .rockbox/$dir`; } } } close VIEWERS; if($notplayer) { `cp $ROOT/apps/plugins/sokoban.levels .rockbox/rocks/`; # sokoban levels `cp $ROOT/apps/plugins/snake2.levels .rockbox/rocks/`; # snake2 levels mkdir ".rockbox/fonts", 0777; opendir(DIR, "$ROOT/fonts") || die "can't open dir fonts"; my @fonts = grep { /\.bdf$/ && -f "$ROOT/fonts/$_" } readdir(DIR); closedir DIR; for(@fonts) { my $f = $_; print "FONT: $f\n" if($verbose); my $o = $f; $o =~ s/\.bdf/\.fnt/; my $cmd ="$ROOT/tools/convbdf -f -o \".rockbox/fonts/$o\" \"$ROOT/fonts/$f\" >/dev/null 2>&1"; print "CMD: $cmd\n" if($verbose); `$cmd`; } } if($image) { # image is blank when this is a simulator if( filesize("rockbox.ucl") > 1000 ) { `cp rockbox.ucl .rockbox/`; # UCL for flashing } if( filesize("rombox.ucl") > 1000) { `cp rombox.ucl .rockbox/`; # UCL for flashing } } mkdir ".rockbox/docs", 0777; for(("BATTERY-FAQ", "CUSTOM_CFG_FORMAT", "CUSTOM_WPS_FORMAT", "FAQ", "LICENSES", "NODO", "TECH")) { `cp $ROOT/docs/$_ .rockbox/docs/$_.txt`; } # Now do the WPS dance if(-d "$ROOT/wps") { system("perl $ROOT/wps/wpsbuild.pl -r $ROOT $ROOT/wps/WPSLIST $target"); } else { print STDERR "No wps module present, can't do the WPS magic!\n"; } # now copy the file made for reading on the unit: #if($notplayer) { # `cp $webroot/docs/Help-JBR.txt .rockbox/docs/`; #} #else { # `cp $webroot/docs/Help-Stu.txt .rockbox/docs/`; #} buildlangs(".rockbox/langs"); `rm -f $zip`; `find .rockbox | xargs $ziptool $zip >/dev/null`; if($image) { `$ziptool $zip $image`; } # remove the .rockbox afterwards `rm -rf .rockbox`; } my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $mon+=1; $year+=1900; $date=sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $year,$mon, $mday); $shortdate=sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", $year%100,$mon, $mday); # made once for all targets sub runone { my ($type, $target)=@_; # build a full install zip file buildzip($output, $target, ($type eq "player")?0:1); }; if(!$exe) { # not specified, guess! if($target =~ /(recorder|ondio)/i) { $exe = "ajbrec.ajz"; } elsif($target =~ /iriver/i) { $exe = "rockbox.iriver"; } elsif($target =~ /gmini/i) { $exe = "rockbox.gmini"; } else { $exe = "archos.mod"; } } elsif($exe =~ /rockboxui/) { # simulator, exclude the exe file $exe = ""; } if($target =~ /player/i) { runone("player", $exe); } else { runone("recorder", $exe); }