#!/bin/sh # Abort execution as soon as an error is encountered # That way the script do not let the user think the process completed correctly # and leave the opportunity to fix the problem and restart compilation where # it stopped set -e # this is where this script will store downloaded files and check for already # downloaded files dlwhere="${RBDEV_DOWNLOAD:-/tmp/rbdev-dl}" # will append the target string to the prefix dir mentioned here # Note that the user running this script must be able to do make install in # this given prefix directory. Also make sure that this given root dir # exists. prefix="${RBDEV_PREFIX:-/usr/local}" # This directory is used to extract all files and to build everything in. It # must not exist before this script is invoked (as a security measure). builddir="${RBDEV_BUILD:-/tmp/rbdev-build}" # This script needs to use GNU Make. On Linux systems, GNU Make is invoked # by running the "make" command, on most BSD systems, GNU Make is invoked # by running the "gmake" command. Set the "make" variable accordingly. if [ -f "`which gmake 2>/dev/null`" ]; then make="gmake" else make="make" fi if [ -z $GNU_MIRROR ] ; then GNU_MIRROR=ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu fi # If detection fails, override the value of make manually: # make="make" ############################################################################## # # These are the tools this script requires and depends upon. reqtools="gcc bzip2 make patch" findtool(){ file="$1" IFS=":" for path in $PATH do # echo "Checks for $file in $path" >&2 if test -f "$path/$file"; then echo "$path/$file" return fi done } input() { read response echo $response } #$1 file #$2 URL"root getfile() { tool=`findtool curl` if test -z "$tool"; then tool=`findtool wget` if test -n "$tool"; then # wget download echo "ROCKBOXDEV: Downloading $2/$1 using wget" $tool -O $dlwhere/$1 $2/$1 fi else # curl download echo "ROCKBOXDEV: Downloading $2/$1 using curl" $tool -Lo $dlwhere/$1 $2/$1 fi if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "ROCKBOXDEV: couldn't download the file!" echo "ROCKBOXDEV: check your internet connection" exit fi if test -z "$tool"; then echo "ROCKBOXDEV: No downloader tool found!" echo "ROCKBOXDEV: Please install curl or wget and re-run the script" exit fi } for t in $reqtools; do tool=`findtool $t` if test -z "$tool"; then echo "ROCKBOXDEV: \"$t\" is required for this script to work." echo "ROCKBOXDEV: Please install \"$t\" and re-run the script." exit fi done ########################################################################### # Verify download directory or create it if test -d "$dlwhere"; then if ! test -w "$dlwhere"; then echo "$dlwhere exists, but doesn't seem to be writable for you" exit fi else mkdir $dlwhere if test $? -ne 0; then echo "$dlwhere is missing and we failed to create it!" exit fi echo "$dlwhere has been created to store downloads in" fi echo "Download directory: $dlwhere (set RBDEV_DOWNLOAD to change dir)" echo "Install prefix: $prefix/[target] (set RBDEV_PREFIX to change dir)" echo "Build dir: $builddir (set RBDEV_BUILD to change dir)" ########################################################################### # Verify that the prefix dir exists and that we can write to it, # as otherwise we will hardly be able to install there! if test ! -d $prefix; then echo "ERROR: The installation destination does not exist." echo "Please create it and re-run this script" exit fi if test ! -w $prefix; then echo "ERROR: This script is set to install in $prefix but has no write permissions for it" echo "Please fix this and re-run this script" exit fi cleardir () { # $1 is the name of the build dir # $2 is the arch # delete the build dirs and the source dirs echo "Cleaning up build folder" rm -rf $1/build-gcc-$2 $1/build-binu-$2 } buildone () { arch=$1 gccpatch="" # default is no gcc patch gccver="4.0.3" # default gcc version binutils="2.16.1" # The binutils version to use gccconfigure="" #default is nothing added to configure binutilsconf="" #default is nothing added to configure system=`uname -s` gccurl="http://www.rockbox.org/gcc" case $arch in [Ss]) target="sh-elf" gccpatch="gcc-4.0.3-rockbox-1.diff" ;; [Mm]) target="m68k-elf" gccver="3.4.6" case $system in CYGWIN* | Darwin | FreeBSD | Interix) gccpatch="gcc-3.4.6.patch" ;; Linux) machine=`uname -m` case $machine in x86_64) gccpatch="gcc-3.4.6-amd64.patch" ;; esac ;; *) ;; esac ;; [Aa]) target="arm-elf" gccpatch="rockbox-multilibs-arm-elf-gcc-4.0.3_3.diff" ;; [Ii]) target="mipsel-elf" gccver="4.1.2" binutils="2.17" gccconfigure="--disable-libssp" binutilsconf="--disable-werror" # necessary to make binutils build on gcc 4.3+ case $system in Interix) gccpatch="gcc-4.1.2-interix.diff" ;; *) ;; esac ;; *) echo "An unsupported architecture option: $arch" exit ;; esac bindir="$prefix/$target/bin" if test -n $pathadd; then pathadd="$pathadd:$bindir" else pathadd="$bindir" fi echo "" echo "In case you encounter a slow internet connection, you can use an alternative mirror." echo "A list of other GNU mirrors is available here: http://www.gnu.org/prep/ftp.html" echo "" echo "Usage: GNU_MIRROR=[URL] ./rockboxdev.sh" echo "" echo "Example:" echo "$ GNU_MIRROR=http://mirrors.kernel.org/gnu ./rockboxdev.sh" echo "" if test -f "$dlwhere/binutils-$binutils.tar.bz2"; then echo "binutils $binutils already downloaded" else getfile binutils-$binutils.tar.bz2 $GNU_MIRROR/binutils fi if test -f "$dlwhere/gcc-core-$gccver.tar.bz2"; then echo "gcc $gccver already downloaded" else getfile gcc-core-$gccver.tar.bz2 $GNU_MIRROR/gcc/gcc-$gccver fi if test -n "$gccpatch"; then if test -f "$dlwhere/$gccpatch"; then echo "$gccpatch already downloaded" else getfile "$gccpatch" "$gccurl" fi fi ########################################################################### # If there's already a build dir, we don't overwrite or delete it if test -d $builddir; then if test ! -w $builddir; then echo "ERROR: No write permissions for the build directory!" exit fi else mkdir -p $builddir fi cd $builddir ########################################################################### # Create a summary file for each toolchain, containing info about the version # and a remainder to append the compiler path to PATH summary="summary-$1" echo "============================ Summary ============================" > $summary echo "target: $target" >> $summary echo "gcc version: $gccver" >> $summary if test -n "$gccpatch"; then echo "gcc patch: $gccpatch" >> $summary fi echo "binutils: $binutils" >> $summary echo "installation target: $prefix/$target" >> $summary echo "" >> $summary echo "When done, append $bindir to PATH" >> $summary echo "=================================================================" >> $summary cat $summary echo "ROCKBOXDEV: extracting binutils-$binutils in $builddir" tar xjf $dlwhere/binutils-$binutils.tar.bz2 echo "ROCKBOXDEV: extracting gcc-$gccver in $builddir" tar xjf $dlwhere/gcc-core-$gccver.tar.bz2 if test -n "$gccpatch"; then echo "ROCKBOXDEV: applying gcc patch" patch -p0 < "$dlwhere/$gccpatch" fi echo "ROCKBOXDEV: mkdir build-binu-$1" mkdir build-binu-$1 echo "ROCKBOXDEV: cd build-binu-$1" cd build-binu-$1 echo "ROCKBOXDEV: binutils/configure" # we undefine _FORTIFY_SOURCE to make the binutils built run fine on recent # Ubuntu installations CFLAGS=-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE ../binutils-$binutils/configure --target=$target --prefix=$prefix/$target $binutilsconf echo "ROCKBOXDEV: binutils/make" # We add -r when building binutils to fix compilation on OSX - Apple's make has # extra built-ins which cause problems. $make -r echo "ROCKBOXDEV: binutils/make install to $prefix/$target" $make install cd .. # get out of build-binu-$1 PATH="$bindir:${PATH}" SHELL=/bin/sh # seems to be needed by the gcc build in some cases echo "ROCKBOXDEV: mkdir build-gcc-$1" mkdir build-gcc-$1 echo "ROCKBOXDEV: cd build-gcc-$1" cd build-gcc-$1 echo "ROCKBOXDEV: gcc/configure" # we undefine _FORTIFY_SOURCE to make the gcc build go through fine on # recent Ubuntu installations CFLAGS=-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE ../gcc-$gccver/configure --target=$target --prefix=$prefix/$target --enable-languages=c $gccconfigure echo "ROCKBOXDEV: gcc/make" $make echo "ROCKBOXDEV: gcc/make install to $prefix/$target" $make install cd .. # get out of build-gcc cd .. # get out of $builddir } # buildone() echo "" echo "Select target arch:" echo "s - sh (Archos models)" echo "m - m68k (iriver h1x0/h3x0, ifp7x0 and iaudio)" echo "a - arm (ipods, iriver H10, Sansa, etc)" echo "i - mips (Jz4740 and ATJ-based players)" echo "separate multiple targets with spaces" echo "(Example: \"s m a\" will build sh, m86k and arm)" echo "" selarch=`input` for arch in $selarch do echo "" case $arch in [Ss]) buildone $arch cleardir $builddir $arch ;; [Ii]) buildone $arch cleardir $builddir $arch ;; [Mm]) buildone $arch cleardir $builddir $arch ;; [Aa]) buildone $arch cleardir $builddir $arch ;; *) echo "An unsupported architecture option: $arch" exit ;; esac done # show the summaries: cat $builddir/summary-* rm $builddir/summary-* echo "" echo "Done!" echo "" echo "Make your PATH include $pathadd" echo ""