#!/usr/bin/perl -s # __________ __ ___. # Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ # Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / # Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < # Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ # \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ # $Id$ # # Copyright (C) 2007 Jonas Häggqvist # # All files in this archive are subject to the GNU General Public License. # See the file COPYING in the source tree root for full license agreement. # # This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use Switch; use vars qw($V $C $t $l $e $E $s $S $i $v); use IPC::Open2; use IPC::Open3; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use DirHandle; use open ':encoding(utf8)'; use open ':std'; sub printusage { print < Specify which target you want to build voicefile for. Must include any features that target supports. -i= Numeric target id. Needed for voice building. -l= Specify which language you want to build. Without .lang extension. -e= Which encoder to use for voice strings -E= Which encoder options to use when compressing voice strings. Enclose in double quotes if the options include spaces. -s= Which TTS engine to use. -S= Options to pass to the TTS engine. Enclose in double quotes if the options include spaces. -v Be verbose USAGE ; } # Initialize TTS engine. May return an object or value which will be passed # to voicestring and shutdown_tts sub init_tts { our $verbose; my ($tts_engine, $tts_engine_opts, $language) = @_; my %ret = ("name" => $tts_engine); switch($tts_engine) { case "festival" { print("> festival $tts_engine_opts --server\n") if $verbose; my $pid = open(FESTIVAL_SERVER, "| festival $tts_engine_opts --server > /dev/null 2>&1"); my $dummy = *FESTIVAL_SERVER; #suppress warning $SIG{INT} = sub { kill TERM => $pid; print("foo"); panic_cleanup(); }; $SIG{KILL} = sub { kill TERM => $pid; print("boo"); panic_cleanup(); }; $ret{"pid"} = $pid; } case "sapi" { my $toolsdir = dirname($0); my $path = `cygpath $toolsdir -a -w`; chomp($path); $path = $path . '\\'; my $cmd = $path . "sapi_voice.vbs /language:$language $tts_engine_opts"; $cmd =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; print("> cscript //nologo $cmd\n") if $verbose; my $pid = open2(*CMD_OUT, *CMD_IN, "cscript //nologo $cmd"); binmode(*CMD_IN, ':encoding(utf16le)'); binmode(*CMD_OUT, ':encoding(utf16le)'); $SIG{INT} = sub { print(CMD_IN "QUIT\r\n"); panic_cleanup(); }; $SIG{KILL} = sub { print(CMD_IN "QUIT\r\n"); panic_cleanup(); }; print(CMD_IN "QUERY\tVENDOR\r\n"); my $vendor = readline(*CMD_OUT); $vendor =~ s/\r\n//; %ret = (%ret, "stdin" => *CMD_IN, "stdout" => *CMD_OUT, "vendor" => $vendor); } } return \%ret; } # Shutdown TTS engine if necessary. sub shutdown_tts { my ($tts_object) = @_; switch($$tts_object{"name"}) { case "festival" { # Send SIGTERM to festival server kill TERM => $$tts_object{"pid"}; } case "sapi" { print({$$tts_object{"stdin"}} "QUIT\r\n"); close($$tts_object{"stdin"}); } } } # Apply corrections to a voice-string to make it sound better sub correct_string { our $verbose; my ($string, $language, $tts_object) = @_; my $orig = $string; switch($language) { # General for all engines and languages $string =~ s/USB/U S B/g; $string =~ s/ID3/I D 3/g; case "english" { switch($$tts_object{"name"}) { case ["sapi","festival"] { $string =~ s/plugin(s?)/plug-in$1/ig; next } case "festival" { $string =~ s/\ba\b/ay/ig; $string =~ s/$/./; } } } case "deutsch" { # for all german engines (e.g. for english words) $string =~ s/alkaline/alkalein/ig; $string =~ s/byte(s?)/beit$1/ig; $string =~ s/clip(s?)/klipp$1/ig; $string =~ s/\bcover/kawwer/ig; $string =~ s/cuesheet/kjuschiet/ig; $string =~ s/dither/didder/ig; $string =~ s/equalizer/iquileiser/ig; $string =~ s/\bflash\b/fläsh/ig; $string =~ s/\bfirmware(s?)\b/firmwer$1/ig; $string =~ s/\bI D 3 tag\b/I D 3 täg/ig; # can't just use "tag" here $string =~ s/\bloudness\b/laudness/ig; $string =~ s/\bunicode\b/unikod/ig; switch($$tts_object{"name"}) { case "sapi" { # just for SAPI switch($$tts_object{"vendor"}) { case "AT&T Labs" { $string =~ s/alphabet/alfabet/ig; $string =~ s/ampere/amper/ig; $string =~ s/\bdezibel\b/de-zibell/ig; $string =~ s/diddering/didde-ring/ig; $string =~ s/energie\b/ener-gie/ig; $string =~ s/\Blauf\b/-lauf/ig; $string =~ s/\bnumerisch\b/numehrisch/ig; } } } } } case "svenska" { # for all swedish engines (e.g. for english words) $string =~ s/kilobyte/kilobajt/ig; $string =~ s/megabyte/megabajt/ig; $string =~ s/gigabyte/gigabajt/ig; $string =~ s/\bloudness\b/laudness/ig; switch($$tts_object{"name"}) { case "espeak" { # just for eSpeak $string =~ s/ampere/ampär/ig; $string =~ s/bokmärken/bok-märken/ig; $string =~ s/generella/schenerella/ig; $string =~ s/dithering/diddering/ig; $string =~ s/\bunicode\b/jynikod/ig; $string =~ s/uttoning/utoning/ig; $string =~ s/procent/pro-cent/ig; $string =~ s/spellistor/spelistor/ig; $string =~ s/cuesheet/qjyschiit/ig; } } } case "italiano" { # for all italian engines (e.g. for english words) $string =~ s/Replaygain/Ripleyghein/ig; $string =~ s/Crossfade/Crossfeid/ig; $string =~ s/beep/Bip/ig; $string =~ s/cuesheet/chiushit/ig; $string =~ s/fade/feid/ig; $string =~ s/Crossfeed/crossfid/ig; $string =~ s/Cache/chash/ig; $string =~ s/\bfirmware(s?)\b/firmuer$1/ig; $string =~ s/\bFile(s?)\b/fail$1/ig; $string =~ s/\bloudness\b/laudness/ig; $string =~ s/\bunicode\b/unikod/ig; $string =~ s/Playlist/pleylist/ig; $string =~ s/WavPack/wave pak/ig; $string =~ s/BITRATE/bit reit/ig; $string =~ s/Codepage/cod page/ig; $string =~ s/PCM Wave/pcm Ue'iv/ig; switch($$tts_object{"name"}) { case "sapi" { # just for SAPI switch($$tts_object{"vendor"}) { case "Loquendo" { $string =~ s/Inizializza/inizializa/ig; } case "ScanSoft, Inc" { $string =~ s/V/v/ig; $string =~ s/X/x/ig; $string =~ s/stop/stohp/ig; } } } } } } if ($orig ne $string) { printf("%s -> %s\n", $orig, $string) if $verbose; } return $string; } # Produce a wav file of the text given sub voicestring { our $verbose; my ($string, $output, $tts_engine_opts, $tts_object) = @_; my $cmd; printf("Generate \"%s\" with %s in file %s\n", $string, $$tts_object{"name"}, $output) if $verbose; switch($$tts_object{"name"}) { case "festival" { # festival_client lies to us, so we have to do awful soul-eating # work with IPC::open3() $cmd = "festival_client --server localhost --otype riff --ttw --output \"$output\""; # Use festival-prolog.scm if it's there (created by user of tools/configure) if (-f "festival-prolog.scm") { $cmd .= " --prolog festival-prolog.scm"; } print("> $cmd\n") if $verbose; # Open command, and filehandles for STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR my $pid = open3(*CMD_IN, *CMD_OUT, *CMD_ERR, $cmd); # Put the string to speak into STDIN and close it print(CMD_IN $string); close(CMD_IN); # Read all output from festival_client (because it LIES TO US) while () { } close(CMD_OUT); close(CMD_ERR); } case "flite" { $cmd = "flite $tts_engine_opts -t \"$string\" \"$output\""; print("> $cmd\n") if $verbose; `$cmd`; } case "espeak" { $cmd = "espeak $tts_engine_opts -w \"$output\""; print("> $cmd\n") if $verbose; open(ESPEAK, "| $cmd"); print ESPEAK $string . "\n"; close(ESPEAK); } case "sapi" { print({$$tts_object{"stdin"}} "SPEAK\t$output\t$string\r\n"); } case "swift" { $cmd = "swift $tts_engine_opts -o \"$output\" \"$string\""; print("> $cmd\n") if $verbose; system($cmd); } } } # trim leading / trailing silence from the clip sub wavtrim { our $verbose; my ($file, $threshold, $tts_object) = @_; printf("Trim \"%s\"\n", $file) if $verbose; my $cmd = "wavtrim \"$file\" $threshold"; if ($$tts_object{"name"} eq "sapi") { print({$$tts_object{"stdin"}} "EXEC\t$cmd\r\n"); } else { print("> $cmd\n") if $verbose; `$cmd`; } } # Encode a wav file into the given destination file sub encodewav { our $verbose; my ($input, $output, $encoder, $encoder_opts, $tts_object) = @_; printf("Encode \"%s\" with %s in file %s\n", $input, $encoder, $output) if $verbose; my $cmd = "$encoder $encoder_opts \"$input\" \"$output\""; if ($$tts_object{"name"} eq "sapi") { print({$$tts_object{"stdin"}} "EXEC\t$cmd\r\n"); } else { print("> $cmd\n") if $verbose; `$cmd`; } } # synchronize the clip generation / processing if it's running in another process sub synchronize { my ($tts_object) = @_; if ($$tts_object{"name"} eq "sapi") { print({$$tts_object{"stdin"}} "SYNC\t42\r\n"); my $wait = readline($$tts_object{"stdout"}); #ignore what's actually returned } } # Run genlang and create voice clips for each string sub generateclips { our $verbose; my ($language, $target, $encoder, $encoder_opts, $tts_engine, $tts_engine_opts) = @_; my $english = dirname($0) . '/../apps/lang/english.lang'; my $langfile = dirname($0) . '/../apps/lang/' . $language . '.lang'; my $id = ''; my $voice = ''; my $cmd = "genlang -o -t=$target -e=$english $langfile 2>/dev/null"; my $pool_file; open(VOICEFONTIDS, "> voicefontids"); my $i = 0; local $| = 1; # make progress indicator work reliably my $tts_object = init_tts($tts_engine, $tts_engine_opts, $language); print("Generating voice clips"); print("\n") if $verbose; for (`$cmd`) { my $line = $_; print(VOICEFONTIDS $line); if ($line =~ /^id: (.*)$/) { $id = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^voice: "(.*)"$/) { $voice = $1; if ($id !~ /^NOT_USED_.*$/ && $voice ne "") { my $wav = $id . '.wav'; my $mp3 = $id . '.mp3'; # Print some progress information if (++$i % 10 == 0 and !$verbose) { print("."); } # Apply corrections to the string $voice = correct_string($voice, $language, $tts_object); # If we have a pool of snippets, see if the string exists there first if (defined($ENV{'POOL'})) { $pool_file = sprintf("%s/%s-%s.mp3", $ENV{'POOL'}, md5_hex("$voice $tts_engine $tts_engine_opts $encoder_opts"), $language); if (-f $pool_file) { printf("Re-using %s (%s) from pool\n", $id, $voice) if $verbose; copy($pool_file, $mp3); } } # Don't generate MP3 if it already exists (probably from the POOL) if (! -f $mp3) { if ($id eq "VOICE_PAUSE") { print("Use distributed $wav\n") if $verbose; copy(dirname($0)."/VOICE_PAUSE.wav", $wav); } else { voicestring($voice, $wav, $tts_engine_opts, $tts_object); wavtrim($wav, 500, $tts_object); # 500 seems to be a reasonable default for now } encodewav($wav, $mp3, $encoder, $encoder_opts, $tts_object); synchronize($tts_object); if (defined($ENV{'POOL'})) { copy($mp3, $pool_file); } unlink($wav); } $voice = ""; $id = ""; } } } print("\n"); close(VOICEFONTIDS); shutdown_tts($tts_object); } # Assemble the voicefile sub createvoice { our $verbose; my ($language, $target_id) = @_; my $outfile = ""; $outfile = sprintf("%s.voice", $language); printf("Saving voice file to %s\n", $outfile) if $verbose; my $cmd = "voicefont 'voicefontids' $target_id ./ $outfile"; print("> $cmd\n") if $verbose; my $output = `$cmd`; print($output) if $verbose; } sub deletemp3s() { for (glob('*.mp3')) { unlink($_); } for (glob('*.wav')) { unlink($_); } } sub panic_cleanup { deletemp3s(); die "moo"; } # Generate .talk clips sub gentalkclips { our $verbose; my ($dir, $tts_object, $encoder, $encoder_opts, $tts_engine_opts, $i) = @_; my $d = new DirHandle $dir; while (my $file = $d->read) { my ($voice, $wav, $mp3); # Print some progress information if (++$i % 10 == 0 and !$verbose) { print("."); } # Convert to a complete path my $path = sprintf("%s/%s", $dir, $file); $voice = $file; $wav = sprintf("%s.talk.wav", $path); # Ignore dot-dirs and talk files if ($file eq '.' || $file eq '..' || $file =~ /\.talk$/) { next; } # Element is a dir if ( -d $path) { gentalkclips($path, $tts_object, $encoder, $encoder_opts, $tts_engine_opts, $i); $mp3 = sprintf("%s/_dirname.talk", $path); } # Element is a file else { $mp3 = sprintf("%s.talk", $path); $voice =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//; # Trim extension } printf("Talkclip %s: %s", $mp3, $voice) if $verbose; voicestring($voice, $wav, $tts_engine_opts, $tts_object); wavtrim($wav, 500, $tts_object); # 500 seems to be a reasonable default for now encodewav($wav, $mp3, $encoder, $encoder_opts, $tts_object); synchronize($tts_object); unlink($wav); } } # Check parameters my $printusage = 0; unless (defined($V) or defined($C)) { print("Missing either -V or -C\n"); $printusage = 1; } if (defined($V)) { unless (defined($t)) { print("Missing -t argument\n"); $printusage = 1; } unless (defined($l)) { print("Missing -l argument\n"); $printusage = 1; } unless (defined($i)) { print("Missing -i argument\n"); $printusage = 1; } } elsif (defined($C)) { unless (defined($ARGV[0])) { print "Missing path argument\n"; $printusage = 1; } } unless (defined($e)) { print("Missing -e argument\n"); $printusage = 1; } unless (defined($E)) { print("Missing -E argument\n"); $printusage = 1; } unless (defined($s)) { print("Missing -s argument\n"); $printusage = 1; } unless (defined($S)) { print("Missing -S argument\n"); $printusage = 1; } if ($printusage == 1) { printusage(); exit 1; } if (defined($v) or defined($ENV{'V'})) { our $verbose = 1; } # add the tools dir to the path temporarily, for calling various tools $ENV{'PATH'} = dirname($0) . ':' . $ENV{'PATH'}; # Do what we're told if ($V == 1) { # Only do the panic cleanup for voicefiles $SIG{INT} = \&panic_cleanup; $SIG{KILL} = \&panic_cleanup; printf("Generating voice\n Target: %s\n Language: %s\n Encoder (options): %s (%s)\n TTS Engine (options): %s (%s)\n", $t, $l, $e, $E, $s, $S); generateclips($l, $t, $e, $E, $s, $S); createvoice($l, $i); deletemp3s(); } elsif ($C) { printf("Generating .talk clips\n Path: %s\n Language: %s\n Encoder (options): %s (%s)\n TTS Engine (options): %s (%s)\n", $ARGV[0], $l, $e, $E, $s, $S); my $tts_object = init_tts($s, $S, $l); gentalkclips($ARGV[0], $tts_object, $e, $E, $S, 0); shutdown_tts($tts_object); } else { printusage(); exit 1; }