--[[ RKW patching tool required argument (in order): - path to rkw - path to stub - physical address where to put bin blob - physical address where to put jump - path to output patched firmware ]]-- require("lib") require("arm") function printf(...) io.write(string.format(...)) end if #arg < 5 then printf("Arguments: source.rkw blob.bin blob_address jump_address output.rkw\n") printf("source.rkw\tRKW file to be patched\n") printf("blob.bin\tArbitrary binary to be implanted (e.g hwstub.bin)\n") printf("blob_address\tPhysical address where to implant blob (e.g 0x6008300c)\n") printf("jump_address\tPhysical address where to put jump to implanted binary (e.g 0x60097f2c)\n") printf("output.rkw\tResulting RKW file\n") os.exit(1) end -- return rkw file offset based on physical runtime mem addr -- sdram base address is 0x60000000 and rkw header is 0x2c long function addr2rkw(addr) return (addr + 0x2c - 0x60000000) end -- read input file local fw = hwp.load_file(arg[1]) -- read and check RKW magic number local rkw_magic = hwp.read32(fw, hwp.make_addr(0)) if rkw_magic ~= 0x4c44524b then printf("error: wrong RKW magic number\n") os.exit(1) end -- check RKW header size local rkw_header_size = hwp.read32(fw, hwp.make_addr(0x04)) if rkw_header_size ~= 0x2c then printf("error: RKW header size 0x%0x should be 0x2c!\n", rkw_header_size) os.exit(1) end -- check RKW header CRC local header_crc = hwp.crc(RKW, fw, hwp.make_addr(0), 0x28) if hwp.read32(fw, hwp.make_addr(0x28)) ~= header_crc then printf("error: RKW header CRC mismatch\n") os.exit(1) end local firmware_blob = hwp.make_addr(rkw_header_size) local blob_size = hwp.read32(fw, hwp.make_addr(0x10)) - hwp.read32(fw, hwp.make_addr(0x8)) local rkw_crc = 0 -- check if blob has CRC attached if blob_size < hwp.section_info(fw, "").size then rkw_crc = hwp.crc(RKW, fw, firmware_blob, blob_size) if hwp.read32(fw, hwp.make_addr(blob_size+rkw_header_size)) ~= rkw_crc then printf("error: RKW CRC mismatch\n") os.exit(1) end else printf("error: blob reported size: 0x%0x >= actual blob size: 0x%0x\n", blob_size, hwp.section_info(fw, "").size) os.exit(1) end printf("RKW sanity checks passed\n") printf("RKW magic:\t0x%0x\n", rkw_magic) printf("Header size:\t0x%0x\n", rkw_header_size) printf("Image Base:\t0x%0x\n", hwp.read32(fw, hwp.make_addr(0x8))) printf("Load Base:\t0x%0x\n", hwp.read32(fw, hwp.make_addr(0xc))) printf("Load Limit:\t0x%0x\n", hwp.read32(fw, hwp.make_addr(0x10))) printf("ZI Base:\t0x%0x\n", hwp.read32(fw, hwp.make_addr(0x14))) printf("Entry point:\t0x%0x\n", hwp.read32(fw, hwp.make_addr(0x20))) printf("Load flags:\t0x%0x\n", hwp.read32(fw, hwp.make_addr(0x24))) printf("Header crc:\t0x%0x\n", header_crc) printf("Blob crc:\t0x%0x\n", rkw_crc) -- branch instruction local jump_instr_addr = hwp.make_addr(addr2rkw(arg[4])) if (jump_instr_addr == nil) then printf("error: invalid jump instruction address\n") os.exit(1) end local stub_addr = hwp.make_addr(addr2rkw(arg[3])) -- some decoder stuff if (stub_addr == nil) then printf("error: invalid blob implant address\n") os.exit(1) end -- put stub at the right place local stub = hwp.load_bin_file(arg[2]) if (stub == nil) then printf("error: can't load blob file: %s\n", arg[2]) os.exit(1) end local stub_info = hwp.section_info(stub, "") local stub_data = hwp.read(stub, hwp.make_addr(stub_info.addr, ""), stub_info.size) hwp.write(fw, stub_addr, stub_data) printf("Implanting blob at: 0x%0x\n", arg[3]) -- patch jump local branch_to_stub = arm.make_branch(arm.to_arm(stub_addr), false) arm.write_branch(fw, jump_instr_addr, branch_to_stub, hwp.inc_addr(stub_addr, stub_info.size)) printf("Patching jump instruction at: 0x%0x\n", arg[4]) -- patch rkw crc rkw_crc = hwp.crc(RKW, fw, firmware_blob, blob_size) printf("Patching RKW with new CRC: 0x%0x\n", rkw_crc) hwp.write32(fw, hwp.make_addr(blob_size+rkw_header_size), rkw_crc) -- save hwp.save_file(fw, arg[5]) printf("Saving output to: '%s'\n", arg[5])