/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2012 by Amaury Pouly * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "soc_desc_v1.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace soc_desc_v1; template< typename T > bool build_map(const char *type, const std::vector< T >& vec, std::map< std::string, size_t >& map) { for(size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { if(map.find(vec[i].name) != map.end()) { printf("soc has duplicate %s '%s'\n", type, vec[i].name.c_str()); return false; } map[vec[i].name] = i; } return true; } template< typename T > bool build_map(const char *type, const std::vector< T >& a, const std::vector< T >& b, std::vector< std::pair< size_t, size_t > >& m) { std::map< std::string, size_t > ma, mb; if(!build_map(type, a, ma) || !build_map(type, b, mb)) return false; std::map< std::string, size_t >::iterator it; for(it = ma.begin(); it != ma.end(); ++it) { if(mb.find(it->first) == mb.end()) { printf("%s '%s' exists in only one file\n", type, it->first.c_str()); return false; } m.push_back(std::make_pair(it->second, mb[it->first])); } for(it = mb.begin(); it != mb.end(); ++it) { if(ma.find(it->first) == ma.end()) { printf("%s '%s' exists in only one file\n", type, it->first.c_str()); return false; } } return true; } bool compare_value(const soc_t& soc, const soc_dev_t& dev, const soc_reg_t& reg, const soc_reg_field_t& field, const soc_reg_field_value_t& a, const soc_reg_field_value_t& b) { if(a.value != b.value) { printf("register field value '%s.%s.%s.%s.%s' have different values\n", soc.name.c_str(), dev.name.c_str(), reg.name.c_str(), field.name.c_str(), a.name.c_str()); return false; } if(a.desc != b.desc) { printf("register field value '%s.%s.%s.%s.%s' have different descriptions\n", soc.name.c_str(), dev.name.c_str(), reg.name.c_str(), field.name.c_str(), a.name.c_str()); return false; } return true; } bool compare_field(const soc_t& soc, const soc_dev_t& dev, const soc_reg_t& reg, const soc_reg_field_t& a, const soc_reg_field_t& b) { if(a.first_bit != b.first_bit || a.last_bit != b.last_bit) { printf("register address '%s.%s.%s.%s' have different bit ranges\n", soc.name.c_str(), dev.name.c_str(), reg.name.c_str(), a.name.c_str()); return false; } if(a.desc != b.desc) { printf("register address '%s.%s.%s.%s' have different descriptions\n", soc.name.c_str(), dev.name.c_str(), reg.name.c_str(), a.name.c_str()); return false; } /* values */ std::vector< std::pair< size_t, size_t > > map; if(!build_map("field value", a.value, b.value, map)) return false; for(size_t i = 0; i < map.size(); i++) if(!compare_value(soc, dev, reg, a, a.value[map[i].first], b.value[map[i].second])) return false; return true; } bool compare_reg_addr(const soc_t& soc, const soc_dev_t& dev, const soc_reg_t& reg, const soc_reg_addr_t& a, const soc_reg_addr_t& b) { if(a.addr != b.addr) { printf("register address '%s.%s.%s.%s' have different values\n", soc.name.c_str(), dev.name.c_str(), reg.name.c_str(), a.name.c_str()); return false; } else return true; } bool compare_reg(const soc_t& soc, const soc_dev_t& dev, const soc_reg_t& a, const soc_reg_t& b) { if(a.desc != b.desc) { printf("register '%s.%s.%s' have different descriptions\n", soc.name.c_str(), dev.name.c_str(), a.name.c_str()); return false; } if(a.flags != b.flags) { printf("device '%s.%s.%s' have different flags\n", soc.name.c_str(), dev.name.c_str(), a.name.c_str()); return false; } if(a.formula.type != b.formula.type) { printf("device '%s.%s.%s' have different formula types\n", soc.name.c_str(), dev.name.c_str(), a.name.c_str()); return false; } if(a.formula.string != b.formula.string) { printf("device '%s.%s.%s' have different formula string\n", soc.name.c_str(), dev.name.c_str(), a.name.c_str()); return false; } /* addresses */ std::vector< std::pair< size_t, size_t > > map; if(!build_map("register address", a.addr, b.addr, map)) return false; for(size_t i = 0; i < map.size(); i++) if(!compare_reg_addr(soc, dev, a, a.addr[map[i].first], b.addr[map[i].second])) return false; /* field */ map.clear(); if(!build_map("field", a.field, b.field, map)) return false; for(size_t i = 0; i < map.size(); i++) if(!compare_field(soc, dev, a, a.field[map[i].first], b.field[map[i].second])) return false; return true; } bool compare_dev_addr(const soc_t& soc, const soc_dev_t& dev, const soc_dev_addr_t& a, const soc_dev_addr_t& b) { if(a.addr != b.addr) { printf("device address '%s.%s.%s' have different values\n", soc.name.c_str(), dev.name.c_str(), a.name.c_str()); return false; } else return true; } bool compare_dev(const soc_t& soc, const soc_dev_t& a, const soc_dev_t& b) { if(a.long_name != b.long_name) { printf("device '%s.%s' have different long names\n", soc.name.c_str(), a.name.c_str()); return false; } if(a.desc != b.desc) { printf("device '%s.%s' have different descriptions\n", soc.name.c_str(), a.name.c_str()); return false; } if(a.version != b.version) { printf("device '%s.%s' have different versions\n", soc.name.c_str(), a.name.c_str()); return false; } /* addresses */ std::vector< std::pair< size_t, size_t > > map; if(!build_map("device address", a.addr, b.addr, map)) return false; for(size_t i = 0; i < map.size(); i++) if(!compare_dev_addr(soc, a, a.addr[map[i].first], b.addr[map[i].second])) return false; /* reg */ map.clear(); if(!build_map("register", a.reg, b.reg, map)) return false; for(size_t i = 0; i < map.size(); i++) if(!compare_reg(soc, a, a.reg[map[i].first], b.reg[map[i].second])) return false; return true; } bool compare_soc(const soc_t& a, const soc_t& b) { if(a.name != b.name) { return printf("soc have different names\n"); return false; } if(a.desc != b.desc) { printf("soc '%s' have different descriptions\n", a.name.c_str()); return false; } std::vector< std::pair< size_t, size_t > > map; if(!build_map("device", a.dev, b.dev, map)) return false; for(size_t i = 0; i< map.size(); i++) if(!compare_dev(a, a.dev[map[i].first], b.dev[map[i].second])) return false; return true; } int do_compare(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc != 2) return printf("compare mode expects two arguments\n"); soc_t soc[2]; if(!parse_xml(argv[0], soc[0])) return printf("cannot read file '%s'\n", argv[0]); if(!parse_xml(argv[1], soc[1])) return printf("cannot read file '%s'\n", argv[1]); if(compare_soc(soc[0], soc[1])) printf("Files are identical.\n"); return 0; } int do_write(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc != 2) return printf("write mode expects two arguments\n"); soc_t soc; if(!parse_xml(argv[0], soc)) return printf("cannot read file '%s'\n", argv[0]); if(!produce_xml(argv[1], soc)) return printf("cannot write file '%s'\n", argv[1]); return 0; } int do_check(int argc, char **argv) { for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { soc_t soc; if(!parse_xml(argv[i], soc)) { printf("cannot read file '%s'\n", argv[i]); continue; } printf("[%s]\n", argv[i]); std::vector< soc_error_t > errs = soc.errors(true); for(size_t i = 0; i < errs.size(); i++) { const soc_error_t& e = errs[i]; switch(e.level) { case SOC_ERROR_WARNING: printf("[WARN ] "); break; case SOC_ERROR_FATAL: printf("[FATAL] "); break; default: printf("[ UNK ] "); break; } printf("%s: %s\n", e.location.c_str(), e.message.c_str()); } } return 0; } int do_eval(int argc, char **argv) { std::map< std::string, soc_word_t > map; for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { std::string error; std::string formula(argv[i]); soc_word_t result; if(strcmp(argv[i], "--var") == 0) { if(i + 1 >= argc) break; i++; std::string str(argv[i]); size_t pos = str.find('='); if(pos == std::string::npos) { printf("invalid variable string '%s'\n", str.c_str()); continue; } std::string name = str.substr(0, pos); std::string val = str.substr(pos + 1); char *end; soc_word_t v = strtoul(val.c_str(), &end, 0); if(*end) { printf("invalid variable string '%s'\n", str.c_str()); continue; } printf("%s = %#lx\n", name.c_str(), (unsigned long)v); map[name] = v; continue; } if(!evaluate_formula(formula, map, result, error)) printf("error: %s\n", error.c_str()); else printf("result: %lu (%#lx)\n", (unsigned long)result, (unsigned long)result); } return 0; } void usage() { printf("usage: tester [options]\n"); printf("modes:\n"); printf(" compare \n"); printf(" write \n"); printf(" check \n"); printf(" eval [|--var =]...\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 2) usage(); std::string mode = argv[1]; if(mode == "compare") return do_compare(argc - 2, argv + 2); else if(mode == "write") return do_write(argc - 2, argv + 2); else if(mode == "check") return do_check(argc - 2, argv + 2); else if(mode == "eval") return do_eval(argc - 2, argv + 2); else usage(); return 0; }