QT += network # Enabling profiling QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG += -pg QMAKE_LFLAGS_DEBUG += -pg # Adding zlib dependency for QuaZip LIBS += -lz INCLUDEPATH += zlib # build in a separate folder. MYBUILDDIR = $$OUT_PWD/build/ OBJECTS_DIR = $$MYBUILDDIR/o UI_DIR = $$MYBUILDDIR/ui MOC_DIR = $$MYBUILDDIR/moc RCC_DIR = $$MYBUILDDIR/rcc RBBASE_DIR = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_ RBBASE_DIR = $$replace(RBBASE_DIR,/utils/themeeditor,) # Include directories INCLUDEPATH += gui INCLUDEPATH += models INCLUDEPATH += graphics INCLUDEPATH += quazip cross { message("Crossbuilding for W32 binary") # retrieve ar binary for w32 cross compile. This might be specific to # Fedora mingw32 packages of Qt. Using member() here is needed because at # least the F13 packages add ar options to the variable. CROSSOPTIONS += AR=$$member(QMAKE_LIB) # make sure we use the correct subsystem to prevent a console window coming up. LIBS += -Wl,-subsystem,windows } # Stuff for the parse lib libskin_parser.commands = @$(MAKE) \ TARGET_DIR=$$MYBUILDDIR \ CC=\"$$QMAKE_CC\" \ $$CROSSOPTIONS \ BUILDDIR=$$OBJECTS_DIR \ -C \ $$RBBASE_DIR/lib/skin_parser \ libskin_parser.a QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += libskin_parser PRE_TARGETDEPS += libskin_parser INCLUDEPATH += $$RBBASE_DIR/lib/skin_parser LIBS += -L$$MYBUILDDIR \ -lskin_parser DEPENDPATH = $$INCLUDEPATH HEADERS += models/parsetreemodel.h \ models/parsetreenode.h \ gui/editorwindow.h \ gui/skinhighlighter.h \ gui/skindocument.h \ gui/preferencesdialog.h \ gui/codeeditor.h \ models/projectmodel.h \ gui/tabcontent.h \ gui/configdocument.h \ gui/skinviewer.h \ graphics/rbscreen.h \ graphics/rbviewport.h \ graphics/rbrenderinfo.h \ graphics/rbimage.h \ graphics/rbfont.h \ gui/devicestate.h \ graphics/rbalbumart.h \ graphics/rbprogressbar.h \ gui/findreplacedialog.h \ graphics/rbtext.h \ graphics/rbfontcache.h \ graphics/rbtextcache.h \ gui/skintimer.h \ graphics/rbtoucharea.h \ gui/newprojectdialog.h \ models/targetdata.h \ quazip/zip.h \ quazip/unzip.h \ quazip/quazipnewinfo.h \ quazip/quazipfileinfo.h \ quazip/quazipfile.h \ quazip/quazip.h \ quazip/ioapi.h \ quazip/crypt.h \ zlib/zlib.h \ zlib/zconf.h \ gui/fontdownloader.h SOURCES += main.cpp \ models/parsetreemodel.cpp \ models/parsetreenode.cpp \ gui/editorwindow.cpp \ gui/skinhighlighter.cpp \ gui/skindocument.cpp \ gui/preferencesdialog.cpp \ gui/codeeditor.cpp \ models/projectmodel.cpp \ gui/configdocument.cpp \ gui/skinviewer.cpp \ graphics/rbscreen.cpp \ graphics/rbviewport.cpp \ graphics/rbrenderinfo.cpp \ graphics/rbimage.cpp \ graphics/rbfont.cpp \ gui/devicestate.cpp \ graphics/rbalbumart.cpp \ graphics/rbprogressbar.cpp \ gui/findreplacedialog.cpp \ graphics/rbtext.cpp \ graphics/rbfontcache.cpp \ graphics/rbtextcache.cpp \ gui/skintimer.cpp \ graphics/rbtoucharea.cpp \ gui/newprojectdialog.cpp \ models/targetdata.cpp \ quazip/zip.c \ quazip/unzip.c \ quazip/quazipnewinfo.cpp \ quazip/quazipfile.cpp \ quazip/quazip.cpp \ quazip/ioapi.c \ gui/fontdownloader.cpp OTHER_FILES += README \ resources/windowicon.png \ resources/appicon.xcf \ resources/COPYING \ resources/document-save.png \ resources/document-open.png \ resources/document-new.png \ resources/deviceoptions \ resources/render/statusbar.png \ resources/render/scenebg.png \ resources/play.xcf \ resources/play.png \ resources/rwnd.png \ resources/pause.xcf \ resources/pause.png \ resources/ffwd.xcf \ resources/ffwd.png \ resources/lines.xcf \ resources/lines.png \ resources/cursor.xcf \ resources/cursor.png \ resources/targetdb \ quazip/README.ROCKBOX \ quazip/LICENSE.GPL FORMS += gui/editorwindow.ui \ gui/preferencesdialog.ui \ gui/configdocument.ui \ gui/skinviewer.ui \ gui/findreplacedialog.ui \ gui/skintimer.ui \ gui/newprojectdialog.ui \ gui/fontdownloader.ui RESOURCES += resources.qrc win32:RC_FILE = themeeditor.rc macx { QMAKE_MAC_SDK = /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk QMAKE_LFLAGS_PPC = -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 \ -arch \ ppc QMAKE_LFLAGS_X86 = -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 \ -arch \ i386 CONFIG += x86 \ ppc QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Info.plist RC_FILE = resources/windowicon.icns }