#!/usr/bin/perl require "rockbox.pm"; my $basedir = "/home/dast/rockbox-build/daily-build"; my @list=("player", "recorder", "recorder8mb", "fmrecorder", "fmrecorder8mb", "recorderv2", "ondiofm", "ondiosp", "h100", "h120", "h300", "ipodcolor", "ipodnano", # install and source are special cases "install", "source"); for(@list) { my $dir = $_; opendir(DIR, "$basedir/$dir") or next; my @files = sort grep { /^rockbox/ } readdir(DIR); closedir DIR; for(@files) { /(20\d+)/; $date{$1}=$1; } } for(reverse sort keys %date) { my $d = $_; my $nice = $d; if($d =~ /(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/) { $nice = "$1-$2-$3"; } print "\n"; $color1 -= 0x18; $color2 -= 0x18; $color3 -= 0x18; my $count = 0; my $split = int((scalar @list) / 2); my $x = 0; my @head; foreach $t (@list) { my $show = $t; $show =~ s/recorder/rec/; # Remove the comment below to get long names # $show = $longname{$t}; $head[$x] .= "\n"; $count++; if ($count == $split) { $x++; } } print "$head[0]\n"; $count = 0; for(@list) { my $m = $_; printf "\n"; $count++; if ($count == $split) { print "$head[1]\n"; } } print "\n"; last; } print "
"; # new-style full zip: my $file = "rockbox-${m}-${d}.zip"; if($m eq "source") { $file = "rockbox-daily-${d}.tar.gz"; } elsif($m eq "install") { $file = "Rockbox-${d}-install.exe"; } if( -f "$basedir/$m/$file") { printf "latest", } print "

